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10 Feng Shui Strategies for Business Success

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After my divorce, I knew it would take me a while to recoup, but I had no idea I’d finally get to a place of magical connection and abundance eight years later. I had the right idea (go for the joy), but I didn’t take that seriously enough at first. And I was on my own financially, so it mattered.

I had so many dreams about becoming a writer and publisher. I had a mission to manifest my desires and build my business vision. I wanted to share my writing tips and expertise as a book writing coach. I wanted to give people a writing guide, and also show them how they could start on a path to manifesting their dreams and goals.

Now that I know what I know, and have surpassed the multiple six-figure mark in my business for the first time, I’m extremely enthusiastic about getting real with you about what this energy thing means, and what it can do for you, if you take it on with a bit of gusto.

Business success relies on your environment (both internal mindset and external, physical space), as well as all the things everyone else tells you are important. You can have the strategy, procedures, networking, and community building down, but if your energy is off, everything you do is fed from that junk food, and sooner or later, you’ll pay for that lack of nutrition.

The foundation of energy, intention, and connection you feel as it relates to your business and life (in all ways) is crucial. It effects the amount of success you experience. Feng Shui is the study of that energy flow and can be used to magnetize flow, creativity, and abundance to your business.

With awareness you have a choice. You can curate the energy, intention, and sacred spaces you work and live in. When you feel connected (tao) and fiercely alive, you maintain a state of flow, creativity, inspiration, and abundance. This focus and practice is how you raise your vibe and magnetize your vision.

In the Taoist theory, chi (energy) is the life-force that is in everything. And Feng Shui is a study of that energy flow.

feng shui

/ˌfeNG ˈSHo͞oē/


noun: feng shui; noun: fengshui

1. (in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.

But this relates to way more than building design. When you study and practice energy techniques, almost anything is possible, including more business growth and success. You can use Feng Shui to strengthen your manifestations.

When you feel stuck, depressed, un-inspired, drained, annoyed, frustrated, or otherwise disconnected from your business or life, it’s time to shift and raise the vibe. It’s time to discover what makes you and your business come alive! It’s time to ask yourself: What else is possible?!

You can read a lot more about energy, and leveraging it, in the book, The Energy Medicine Solution, but until then, here are 10 Feng Shui strategies for business success and more tips to manifest your desires and business vision:

Manifest your desires

1. Claim your desires

Everything starts with the energy of what you desire. The strategy here is to spend some time journaling your goals, dreams, and desires for your business in as much detail as possible, including the feelings that accompany those dreams and desires. Don’t leave the feeling part out, it’s what fuels the energy.

2. Declutter your inner spaces

Get your mindset right and you begin a path to clearing a space for intuitive flow, creativity, and inspiration. Your inner spaces (thoughts, beliefs, and thought habits, including negativity bias) are extremely important because they are energy. All things start with a thought. It’s time to make sure the negative thoughts are cleared out and decluttered from your mind on a regular basis.

3. Declutter your outer spaces

The environment you spend time in every day feeds you, or not. Spend some time decluttering your physical work space. Make sure the areas you create in are clear of clutter and feel great. Get rid of anything that is broken, dented, stained, in disrepair, or makes you feel drained, frustrated, or annoyed. If what’s around you is creating negative feelings, then that’s what you’ll attract more of.

4. Clear and clean your internal energy

After decluttering it’s time to clean and clear the energy that you are made of. Everything is energy, including your physical body. One fantastic way to clear and clean your energy is with a chakra meditation, which addresses each of the seven energy centers of the body-mind. Have a go at Googling “Chakra Meditations” and see what resonates.

5. Clear and clean your external energy

Energy is also all around you in the spaces and objects you work in and around. Everything in your environment carries energy that either serves you, or drains you, feeds you or depletes you. Start your clearing process with a deep clean of all your work spaces, including doors, windows, floors, and desk tops. Don’t forget to dust!

6. Curate your inner energy

Now that you’ve decluttered and cleared the mind, it’s time to choose the healthier, more aligned thoughts and beliefs you’ll set as a foundation for your daily practice. Start with a positive mantra or affirmation, and make sure it’s in front of you every day. My favorite (feel free to steal): I’m so happy and grateful to have enough time, energy, money, and resources to generously take care of myself and everyone I love in a way that leaves me feeling excited and purpose-filled every day.

7. Curate your outer energy

Tao is the feeling of connection, an inspiration for life itself. To create a physical work space that makes your visions a reality you’ll need to start by adding anything that helps you feel that connection. That might include a new paint color, office organizers, wall art, or crystals. The magic of curation is up to you and your individual style and passions.

8. Maintain sacred spaces

It’s not enough to do a little decluttering. Feng Shui is an ongoing journey and process of maintaining your inner and outer spaces so that they continue to feed you and help you connect to your life force. Create a list of practices and rituals that you’ll use to maintain your spaces in the best possible energy and flow.

9. Set business boundaries for success

Boundaries are special energetic forces that keeps you healthy and connected to your flow and power. Poor personal and business boundaries create chaos, confusion, and negative energy. Spend some time journaling about your values, the rules you do business by, and the boundaries you want to maintain. Keep them in front of you every day.

Your Business Vision Matters!

10. Mastering business Feng Shui

Lastly, create an SOP (standard operating procedure) for abundance and success in your business. Mastery happens when the principles become a lifestyle and a discipline, and are automatic, like brushing your teeth. Make a list of your energy rituals, practices, and guidelines, keep it handy, and practice your routines until you don’t have to look at the notes anymore. By this time you should be noticing that you’re attracting more of the joy, love, gratitude, and abundance you’ve put into practice every day.

When you. . .
~start shifting and intentionally creating the energy in your internal and external spaces
~declutter and clear those spaces
~curate your spaces for connection to joy, love, and gratitude
~and create a discipline from these rituals. . .

. . . your life will begin to mirror the joy, love, gratitude, and abundance that is that energy.

Your vision will become your reality.

Manifestation Workshop!

The Brave Business Feng Shui: Creating Spaces that Manifest Your Vision workshop is coming on Sunday, April 16th! Join me to walk through the above steps in detail, with actionable exercises and takeaway rituals and projects that’ll have you on the road to magnetizing the flow and abundance you’re craving. I’ll include a bonus, Step 11, as well, to make sure you have a powerful energetic business growth strategy in place for the rest of the year. Register HERE.

The workshop will be recorded if you can’t attend live.

Laura Di Franco is the CEO of Brave Healer Productions and Founder of Brave Kids Books where they specialize in publishing and business strategy for holistic health and wellness professionals. Laura is a book writing coach with over 30 years as a holistic physical therapist, two six-figure businesses, over two decades of training in the martial arts, and 10 Amazon bestsellers (including 53 as a company), she is no stranger to the badassery it takes to build an empire. She can’t wait to share her secrets and strategies with you!

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