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I See The Magic

Hawk Magic

“Look!” “Look!” I pointed to the sky while keeping one hand on the wheel, craning my neck up under the windshield so I could get a longer look at the FOUR red tailed hawks that were circling over Democracy Blvd. My daughter, unimpressed with my first attempt to get her to look, continued to stare at her phone. “Danielle! “There are four hawks above us!” “That is some super awesome magical mojo for our day honey, LOOK!” I continued until she appeased me and took a two second glance out my side of the car.

“Hawk. If HAWK shows up, it means: You’re caught up in too many details, so step back so you can get a greater perspective on the situation. Stay alert and focused on the task before you, eliminating as many distractions as possible. Spend some time observing and studying the situation, and when it’s time for action, make it quick and decisive. Pay close attention to your surroundings, as you’re about to receive an important message. Be aware of any personal or psychic attacks and be prepared to defend yourself. Stop trying to change others or the situation and work instead on accepting things as they are.” From Animal Spirit Guides, by Steven D. Farmer, Ph.D.

With the tween eye roll that I have gotten used to and decided to ignore, I explained to my daughter that animals are a sign, and she best pay attention to the magic in our QUADRUPLE hawk sighting today. Maybe she will get it, but she is used to this from me. I see the magic everywhere. And I am not shy about pointing it out. The color in the sunrise. The shape of the moon. The fox that crosses our path in the car on the way home from practice…all…magic.

Living like this is a conscious choice. I prefer to see life this way. It’s more fun than not. I love it when, like yesterday, a bird shows up in front of my face singing his sweet little heart out, forcing me to pay attention. In yesterday’s case, a Cardinal, who’s song was so loud as I walked down my front steps to the car, I had to look up and listen. “Cardinal. If cardinal shows up, it means: Someone needs your compassionate and loving attention and has flagged you down to get it. Stop right where you are, observe your surroundings (two messages like this in two days!) then notice the sensations in your body. This is a very creative time, one where it’s best to heed your intuitive guidance as to how to express this creativity. (You’ve seen the book launch posts, eh?) Add color to your life in your home environment, your yard, and in your choices of clothing. (You should see the pink shirt I bought yesterday!) This is a good time to make a fresh exploration of the religion you grew up in, with your eyes and heart open.” From Spirit Animal Guides, by Steven D. Farmer, Ph.D.

I love my Spirit Guide book. I keep it near my writing area so I can look at the entries and see if they resonate. They ALWAYS do. Magic. The other thing that I pay attention to nowadays is repeating numbers. If any of you have heard of Numerology, you will know that there is a whole magic world in numbers. Yesterday was one of the most challenging from a “Mom is the new taxi driver” standpoint. I drove up and down Seven Locks Road so many different times in two hours that the fourth time I saw the broken down taxi on the corner of Seven Locks and Bradley, I thought, OMG, if MY taxi broke down I would be up shit creek, seriously!

So I drove down to do some errands and looked up at the clock in the car to see if I was timing my trip right and it was 1:11. I came back up Seven Locks exactly an hour later and looked up at exactly 2:22. Then when home, putting groceries away, went to check the time on my computer to see if I needed to leave to pick up my son from baseball and it was exactly 3:33. So what? You might be asking. Well, I learned that repeating numbers are “Angel numbers.” I know, I know, I am going a bit “Woo Woo” on you right now. But, hey, what does it hurt to look up at the clock at 1:11 or 11:11 and have a moment where you know you are on the right path, that you are exactly where you are meant to be. To have confirmation.

“In general, a recurring number is like a cosmic signal. It’s the universe’s way of directing your attention…” From

So, I pay attention now. It’s fun. It’s magical some days. Some days I get hawks AND repeating numbers, oh my! I didn’t always pay attention to these things, in fact I spent much of my life not really keying into the magic. I was always a nature lover though, and the feeling of being in nature has always been something that recharges me and connects me with something deeper, confirming the idea that we are here for a reason. In the last several years I have crossed paths with people, books and resources that piqued my interest in these subjects. When I started using my awareness and paying attention to both the external and especially internal messages I was getting, the magic exploded.

“You will know because you will feel butterflies. You will feel instant attraction. You will feel the “Hell Yes!” My coach and soul-level strategist and intuitive mentor, Torrie Pattillo said to me one day when I begged for some way to understand my own intuition better. I was listening, I was hearing and feeling messages, but I wasn’t always honoring them. I wasn’t connecting the feeling with the “Yes” or the “No.” When she described how to understand if I should do business with another person by saying “You will feel like she has been your BFF for 100 years, like you want to spend more time with her, like you can’t get enough,” it clicked for me. The “Eh” feeling I was having was a no. It was clear.

So intuitive messages, hawk messages, signs from the Universe that I am on the right path…that is the magic I am talking about. It’s there for the taking. It’s there. If you don’t believe me, just watch.

Laura Probert, MPT is the owner of Bodyworks Physical Therapy and Soul Camp, LLC. Her new workshop, When Your Soul Speaks, Healing Moves is a mind, body, soul collaboration and an attempt to give you a way to explore healing from a whole new perspective. Check it out by hovering over the workshops tab. She is launching her new poetry journal, Warrior Joy,  April 2nd and 3rd. You won’t want to miss the awesome bonuses her partners are giving away for this launch. Read about that HERE.


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