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5 Benefits of Joining a Writer’s Circle (Plus three of my favorite prompts)

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  • 5 Benefits of Joining a Writer’s Circle (Plus three of my favorite prompts)

When I searched “Writing groups near me” on Google before COVID, The Writer’s Center in Bethesda (where I live) popped up and my writing life changed forever. I signed up for a course (all in-person at the time) and then later became an instructor, something I’m proud to have on my resume. 

I loved my writing groups. They always inspired me, connecting me to that creative place inside where all the new, fun ideas came from. The writer’s group that joined me for a class called Blogging to Build Your Author Platform was especially inspiring. I made new friends, and my business started to grow because of it. 

When COVID started and everything in the world went online, including all the Writer’s Center writers groups and classes, there was a cool opportunity to meet a more global cast of writers. And, new inspiration came. 

Wow, I need to start a writing circle

The Brave Healer Writer’s Circle was born and we gather with writers from all over the globe to write together, inspire each other, give feedback, and stay accountable to this thing we love to do so much. 

There are so many benefits to being in a creative writers group, or other kind of writing group that helps you become better at the craft.

Five Benefits of Joining a Writer’s Circle

  1. Feeling connected. Writing is a solo gig. But when you meet to do it together, the energy and inspiration are amplified, and that affects your writing positively. 
  2. Staying accountable. I haven’t met a writer who hasn’t gone through a bit of a slacking period with their writing schedule. Everyone needs some incentives. Having a group to show up to who looks forward to your gorgeous face and presence is priceless. 
  3. Getting new ideas. I’ve never once attended a writer’s group where at least one new idea didn’t come pouring into my brain. 
  4. Getting reactions and feedback. Every writer should want both positive and constructive feedback. It’s what helps you improve your craft. When done right, this can be an extremely powerful benefit of a writer’s group.
  5. Healing. All writing, for me, is a transformation. When you’re in the right group, they honor that process and it becomes much more than writing. 

How to find a writers’ group

Look no further (sorry I can’t help myself) than The Brave Healer Writer’s Circle! We hope you try us out! You can use the code CircleFREE for a free session. We know not every group is for everybody. So we offer this so you can come and have a taste first!

You can Google “10 best writer’s groups near me,” “10 best writing communities online,” or “online writers groups” and see what happens. Contact the organizer. They should be willing to chat and give you information! Which groups do you resonate with? Trust your gut! 

We love curating writing groups for beginners because we know how intimidating it can be to be around professionals who seem to know it all and love giving negative feedback. Find a group that encourages the play and practice as a priority! The writers circle that works for you will be an easy, positive, great fit. 

I write to Feng Shui my soul, first. I write to heal, as my first priority. Just like decluttering your house, decluttering your mind of thoughts clears a space for you. It makes room for inspired ideas and flow. The more I wrote, the clearer I got. I combined this with other healing modalities to clear my body-mind and become a channel for Divine messages to move through me.

Believe me, I wouldn’t have been able to type that last paragraph ten years ago. 

Channel? Me? I could never do that! 

The more I healed, wrote, and nourished my body and mind, the faster messages were channeled through. I eventually wrote a blog called Writer’s Block is Bullshit, because I realized when we think we’re blocked, what’s happening is that we’re thinking too much. We get stuck in our mind, instead of taking that big, deep breath and grounding into our body again.


So, if you’re feeling stuck today, try these next three writing prompts. But first, relax. Take a deep breath. Arrive fully in your body and notice everything you feel. What do you sense? Can you feel the pressure of your clothing on your skin? Can you hear the beat of your heart? Take a moment to fully arrive in the generous present moment. 

Now, set a timer for five minutes. Write as fast as you can without censoring yourself. Don’t worry about punctuation or grammar. No rules, just write. 

I feel __________. 

If I wasn’t afraid, I would __________. 

The thing that matters the most to me right now is __________.

If you’d like more prompts, and a community to play in, please check out The Brave Healer Writer’s Circle, or come join our free group on Facebook, The Write Habit.

Your words change the world when you’re brave enough to share them. It’s time to be brave! 


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