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Why Brave Healers Should be Your Go-To Book Publishing Company in the US

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  • Why Brave Healers Should be Your Go-To Book Publishing Company in the US

When a publishing company understands that you’re not just publishing a book but also leaving your legacy and jumping on a deep self-development journey, then you know you’ve found a company that will be your perfect partner in this publishing world.  

Before 2012, I researched book publishing companies when my memoir was coming out. I was confused and disappointed. I didn’t really know the ins and outs of working with a book publishing company and there was a lot of conflicting information showing up from my search. 

I quickly learned the difference between traditional book publisher companies and what were considered the best book publishing companies (including the “Big 5” companies), but there was so much information it was hard to make a decision, and I didn’t know what I didn’t know. 

Don’t waste your money went through my head a lot.

I tried to do a comparison search and ended up choosing Balboa Press because they are associated with Hay House. Seems reasonable, considering I’m a healer and Hay House was the publisher for healers. 

I read about book publishing companies in New York City (NYC), and more book publishing companies in the US, and came to the conclusion that if I wanted to help people, I’d probably be smarter to self-publish. I made a lot of mistakes. 

Balboa, as a book publisher and company, was an okay choice for a first experience but I quickly realized I was a transaction. The turnover of people responsible for my book was so high I quickly realized it wasn’t going to be what I hoped. I went through the motions, the book was published, and I celebrated having my brave words out in the world. And. . . there was so much I didn’t know, so many questions I didn’t ask, and so much that could’ve been done (that wasn’t) to help me succeed. 

“You’re going to need 15,000 people on your email list to be considered by a publisher.” 

Boy, do I remember that moment, being told that little fact and the feeling of fear I had. From that moment it became a different journey—one of believing in myself and committing to the path of publishing and changing the world with my brave words.

I had 150 people on my list at that time, in case you’re wondering.

Many of you have followed and researched your favorite publishers and asked yourself what it would take to “get a book deal.” I did.

I crafted a book proposal (with professional help), shopped agents (and landed one), and had a couple bites from publishers. At the end of the day, I was too big of a risk because my email platform was too small and nobody knew who I was. 

Now, I’m guessing there are lots of people who still don’t know who I am, but the thing that’s changed is the size of my platform, the strength of my community, and the vision and mission we’re building: To wake the world up to what’s possible for healing, one brave word at a time. 

Instead of chasing publishers, I created the kind of publishing company I wanted back then—one that cares about the person, business, community, and legacy behind the words.

And that’s only one reason why Brave Healer Productions and Brave Kids Books should be your go-to publishing company.

Here are 12 more: 

  • We understand writing, publishing, and marketing your book and business are a healing journey and we know how to guide it with great skill and expertise.
  • We are a small, woman-owned business.
  • Your legacy matters because sharing yours is ours!
  • We know there’s much more you’ll need after you launch and we’re here to support your business and community-building journeys.
  • Our CEO is a visionary alien badass.
  • Our business gives back! Through every project, we support non-profits with a mission to do bigger, world-changing work beyond publishing our books.
  • We stay connected and informed and pay that forward to every author.
  • We donate a lot of time and knowledge for free.
  • You get to talk to and network with the CEO visionary when you work with us.
  • Our authors are a global bunch who do life from a heart-centered, soul-filled place. We (and they) believe in collaboration over competition.
  • Business strategy is part of every project. We know how to create a book that helps you build your business.
  • We’re a business in the process of evolution, lifelong learners, and committed to self-mastery and awareness practices that set us apart from your average Joe.

We’re a business, like all publishers, no matter if you’re talking “traditional,” “indie,” or “hybrid.” I like making a profit so that I can have the time, energy, money, and resources to generously take care of myself and everyone I love and serve. I also love having enough to give back to the  causes, people, and organizations I want to support. 

At Brave Healer Productions we’ve created business models that support that, while overdelivering on your investments. I’m proud of that and truly hope you’ll come talk to me when it’s time to publish your very important work in the world. 


Big love,



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