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Why We Must Encourage Young Authors To Pursue Their Dream Of Writing A Book

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  • Why We Must Encourage Young Authors To Pursue Their Dream Of Writing A Book

The world of writing could be a very hard spot to break into, but it’s a necessary skill that will never fall out of grace. Books will always be an integral part of our lives, as well as the lives of every generation that comes after us. Encouraging young authors to pursue their dream of writing a book will only make future generations better at writing and reading. We all know good storytellers do not only entertain but also help people to live better. Good storytellers help children learn empathy and morals as well as give them an understanding of the world around them. 

National Encourage a Young Writer Day is celebrated on April 10th each year. Brave Healer Productions supports this day by encouraging children to read and write. We believe that teaching reading and writing should be fun for them because these skills are essential and wonderful. Children are natural storytellers with vivid imaginations and creativity, and we want to encourage them to share their extraordinary stories with the world. By reading, children can cultivate their imagination, vocabulary, and discipline – three things that are crucial to becoming great writers and storytellers. 

Things You Should Know About Encouraging Young Writers

Every child has the potential to become a great writer, regardless of whether they initially show an interest in writing or not. It’s important to teach children about the power of words, the art of storytelling, and the limitless possibilities of the imagination. For those who do show an interest in writing, it’s crucial to provide them with the support and encouragement they need to develop their skills. Remember, there’s no such thing as too many writers! 

Let’s explore some ways we can help young writers flourish.

Help Them Develop A Habit Of Reading

Reading as many books as possible is one of the best ways for young writers to develop their talent. Reading analytically and discussing stories with others will help young writers spot what works in stories and what doesn’t. Discuss the book they recently read; ask them which character was their favorite and why. Encourage discussion about characters that were unlikeable or parts of the story that were boring. Get them to discuss the bad characters and what made those characters unlikeable. This will help young writers learn about the elements of a great story, and they can use this knowledge to make their own stories more exciting!

Let Them Explore Different Genres

Help them explore and choose the kind of books they will like to read. Not every child likes to read. This interest can only be developed when they explore different books and find one that they like. If they feel stuck with one type of book, they may not want to continue reading it. Parents need to let their children have a variety of choices so that they can find something that interests them enough to keep reading on their own time. This is another way for parents to encourage young readers at home without pushing too hard or directing what should be read or how much should be read each day (this is especially important for reluctant readers). Asking questions about what was read helps build vocabulary and comprehension skills while also getting kids talking about something they enjoyed reading!

Encourage them to write as much as possible

You must get all your bad ideas out of your head and onto the page to become a better writer. Good writing follows bad writing. It is a skill that can be learned and developed with time. We need to teach young writers that it’s OK to suck at writing when they start out! Not every draft or chapter you write can be perfect, but you can edit a bad page. If writing is hard or feels like too much work, please keep going because good ideas and good writing will come–but only if you keep working out the bad ideas from your system. For writers who are ready to put in the work and become better writers, Get your free tips for writers in our Resources Vault! 

Help children understand the power of storytelling

Never stop teaching this lesson to your children, even when they’re adults who’ve been writing for many years. The reason most writers write is that they understand the power storytelling possesses. Stories can change lives. They can inspire people to open their minds to new perspectives. Books allow people to travel to different places and be inside other people’s heads from the comfort of their own homes or a quiet cafe or library. Reading is a wonderful thing, and being able to create stories is amazing. Writing is powerful. So never give up on your dreams of becoming an author–you have the power to change minds and provide escapes for people who read your books; you have a chance to educate and incite change by using your voice in the best possible way: through creating a wonderful and inspiring story!


National Encourage a Young Writer Day is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the young writers in our lives and ignite their passion for the written word. It’s a day to celebrate the creativity and imagination of these budding wordsmiths and to inspire them to pursue their dreams of becoming great writers.

If you know a young person who loves to read, you may have already discovered a hidden talent for writing waiting to be unleashed. Imagine the possibilities if we were to nurture and encourage these young minds to explore their ideas and express themselves through the written word. The world is waiting for the next generation of great writers, and National Encourage a Young Writer Day is the perfect time to start cultivating that talent.

So let’s take a moment to inspire and encourage our young writers. Who knows what amazing stories they will create, and their impact on the world? Let’s find out together! Brave Healer Production invites young writers to join our writer’s circle, a community for holistic healers, book writing coaches, and professionals who want the support, community, and accountability of a writing group. We aim to help you improve and stay on track with your writing practice and provide a schedule and community for support, growth, encouragement, and inspiration.

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