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Lead Authors and Co-Authors: What’s the Difference?

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  • Lead Authors and Co-Authors: What’s the Difference?

“Laura, how do I become a lead author in your world?”

Oh, I love this question!

“This isn’t for everyone. Let’s grab a chat. I want to share about what it takes and what’s possible when you say yes to this.”

This was how one of my recent conversations started. I sat up a bit straighter, and my voice was a little more excited (and probably caused my friend to turn down the volume on their AirPods). 

People know when they’re talking to me about something I was born for!  

When Brave Healer Productions publishes an expert collaborative book, a leader steps up to say, “I want to be known for __________ (fill in your topic of expertise)!” We specialize in holistic health and wellness, holistic and heart-centered business, and children’s books. 

This is a great day for us because collaborative writing (and business building) is why we’re here! It’s my purpose, passion, and what lights me up every day.

We talk to both lead authors and co-authors about being a part of our very highly curated and award-winning projects and vet people according to their goals. We want the project to be a great fit, an other-level experience, and something that catapults your business (and energy).

We come at this with an experienced awareness, mindset, and high-vibrational practice, both individually and as a company culture. We’re setting ourselves apart because of this. You’re not a transaction. You’re a person with a mission, purpose, and vision that is changing the world. This is business badassery!

There are lead authors and co-authors in our collaborative book world, as well as solo-book authors. Today, we’re sharing the difference between a lead and co-author in those collaborative books. They might be a holistic health and wellness, business, or children’s version. 

Our lead author is a special individual who has built a community and has a big-ass vision. They have surrounded themselves with people who are helping them bring that vision into the world in big ways. Our lead authors are a special kind of amazing alien client! I call myself out as a visionary alien, too. And if you pay attention to The Kolbe, I’m a 3393. Feel free to reach out if you want to know more. 

The leader of an expert collaboration has a mission to expand their business and community and leave a bigger impact and legacy. They understand how to grow a business, market and promote themselves in other-level ways, and what it takes to be an entrepreneur. They have other-level mindset practices and organizational skills, are growing their team, and are leading from their heart and soul. They guide author platform building and author marketing for their group and model what works!

And, of course, we coach and guide this process in every one of our lead authors! The best testimonials I get are from lead authors who say, “This completely changed my business!” Yes! We love that! 

Our co-authors are the badass individuals who step up to say, “Hell yes, I’d love to add my brave stories, words, and work to this book!” Co-authoring is an amazing way to publish your brave words and immerse yourself in a business-building community that serves you well beyond the book launch. If you’ve been in any book collaborations before reading this, ask yourself: What did I get out of being a part of the project beyond being published? 

Brave Healer Productions has a mission to be the best collaborative book experience on the planet.

How we’re the best

Co-authorship is important to us. Your legacy is ours. It matters. We want you to know that when you publish with us as a co-author, you’re part of our big vision and community. We want you to feel at home and like you have a partner in all the amazing things you’re doing in the world.

First-time author? We got you! In fact, our expert collaborations are probably one of the most fun, amazing, exciting, and easy projects you’ll ever take part in. We’re going to help you get published, but we’re also passionate about teaching you how to be a better writer

Don’t know how to market or promote yourself? We don’t just publish you; we teach you how to grow your business with your book. We provide you with a media kit. We teach you how to write your bio. This isn’t just a book; it’s a legacy you’re leaving. It’s a business-building tool. It’s a community-building strategy. 

We understand this is a healing journey. This may be the biggest way Brave Healer Productions stands out in the crowd. With most publishing businesses, you’re a transaction. Yuck. You want to write your book and change the world with your story and purposeful work. This is way more than just getting the book published. We get it. We hold the sacred healing space for your book writing and publishing process and help you feel your way through it like the BIG DEAL it is! This never gets old for us. We know how important this work is. 

Books are a legacy business, but they’re also a self-development and healing journey. 

We’d love for you to have an experience that helps you know yourself at a deeper level and, in doing so, changes the world. And we’re going to make sure your book is a successful, money-making journey, too. Because while you change the world, we know you have a goal to have the time, money, energy, and resources to generously take care of yourself and everyone you love. 


Let’s chat about getting your brave words into the world. It’s time to be brave!

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