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Now That You’ve Published Your Book: What’s Next?

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  • Now That You’ve Published Your Book: What’s Next?

The “Now What?” after a book launch is absolutely my favorite thing!

Most authors don’t think past the launch when it comes to books and they miss big opportunities to not only increase book sales but to build their business and community!

Imagine, you’re post-publication and sitting there staring at your beautiful book baby, coming down from the high, understanding that your brave beautiful words are out in the world! This is big-potatoes stuff! It’s amazing! Congratulations. But then. . . 

Now what? The “I don’t know” sets in. The doubt and fear that your book won’t be anything but a one-hit-wonder settle, and you’re not sure what to do. I feel you. However, you need to know that when you publish your book, it’s just the beginning of the badassery that will change your life!

Can you tell I get excited about this? 

What do you do after your book is published?

I so got you, amazing author! Here are 10 ideas for post-launch strategy that will help you continue to sell books but also build your community and business, and leave your world-changing legacy!

  1. Have a book signing event or party. Or, even better, set up an ongoing book tour for the next three, six, or twelve months. Think only famous people can do this? Think again. Even in your local area, you can pick three to five small businesses that would benefit from the collaboration, reach out to the owners, and plan some awesome events that help both of you. To see an entire blog about book events and how to create them, Check my article on Medium – The Brave Healer Author’s Guide to Successful Book Parties and Launch Events
  2. Do a giveaway. What perfect business partner could you collaborate with for a giveaway? You choose how many books to give. Your partner gets to give them to their audience for a shoutout on their social or email list. This is a win-win strategy you can put into place many times post-launch with non-competitive professionals whose audience is the same ideal client as yours!
  3. Speak! Craft your signature talk and take it out loud! Whether it’s an in-person networking group or online, sharing some of your book topics in a signature talk will sell books and build your business.
  4. Teach! Create a course or workshop based on your book (if you’re ahead of the game, the call to action for this is already in your book!), and make sure every course purchaser gets a free copy of the book! Make sure to check out The Brave Healer Transformation School, our excellent online course platform where we make teaching and passive income easy!
  5. Be a podcast guest! Search shows with topics that serve your same audience and collaborate with hosts to create awesome shows that sell books!
  6. Create quote content. Pull 20, 30, or 50 quotes out of your book and hire a virtual assistant to create quote graphics for your social that post consistently with a call to action to purchase your book!
  7. Load up your car! Make sure to have copies of your book in the trunk of your car for whenever you’re at a doctor’s appointment, the local health food store, a gift shop, etc. Go in and leave a copy with the front desk, manager, or owner and strike up a conversation. Don’t forget your Sharpie for signing!
  8. Network. This is ongoing and never-ending, as long as you want it to be. When you build relationships with others and help them build their businesses, you’ll be able to share what you’re doing in the world (and your book), and opportunities you never dreamed of will come your way. Find at least one networking group (in-person or online) to play with! Two is better!
  9. Get a book funnel onto your home page. If you’re not selling books in your sleep with a book funnel call to action, you’re missing a big opportunity!
  10. Add your book to your email signature. And everywhere else you can, for that matter. Nobody buys a book they don’t know exists. You’ll often read that it takes nine touch points before a customer buys. Well, how many times are you getting in front of your ideal readers and clients? One social post isn’t going to cut it. Get your book out there in all the places you can think of! 

The “Now what?” After a book launch is really about your ability to put book marketing,  promotion, and networking into an ongoing business strategy. If you have a book, you have a business. If you aren’t getting in front of your ideal readers to let them know about the book (even well after your launch), you won’t sell books.

Speaking of networking, if you’d like a great book to help you on that journey, please check out Networking for Healers (for anyone who’s a bit new to the authentic networking game) and bask in the awesome words that will change your business and your life!

And for all kinds of resources for author-entrepreneurs, including access to free networking events, podcast guesting opportunities, and training please get access to The Brave Healer Resources Vault

Now, go tell someone about your book! 

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