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5 Compelling Reasons to Write a Collaborative Book

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  • 5 Compelling Reasons to Write a Collaborative Book

Writing a book can be a lonely journey, but when you bring other authors into the mix, the magic truly begins.

Collaborative writing! This is why I love what I do.

As an author who has been through the ups and downs of working with others on a book, I can tell you about the amazing benefits that come with it. When I started Brave Healer Productions, I didn’t think we would focus on writing books with multiple authors. However, after seeing how powerful these projects can be, I knew I had to share my passion with others.

Book collaboration is where it’s at this year. These multi-author books, collaborative books, or anthologies, whatever you wanna call ’em, are the hottest thing in publishing right now. Here’s how it usually goes down: a group of aspiring authors who are totally on the same wavelength gets together, and a specialized publishing house steps in to make the magic happen.

The authors gotta pay a little something upfront for the publisher’s services. But let me tell you, there are some serious perks for the authors involved. Instead of slaving away on an entire book, each co-author only has to write one chapter, usually between 1,500 and 5,000 words. Then the publisher takes care of the editing, formatting, publishing, and even the collaborative book launch. It’s like having your own personal publishing fairy godmother!

These books are almost always bestsellers on Amazon. Why, you ask? Because with 10 to 30 authors marketing or promoting the book at the same time, it’s like a perfect storm of book-selling awesomeness. Plus, you get to call yourself a bestselling author without all the blood, sweat, and tears that come with writing and publishing your own solo book. It’s a win-win!

Now, I’m not saying book collaboration is the answer to all your publishing dreams. There are definitely some things to consider before jumping in. But if you’re an aspiring author who’s looking for a fun, supportive way to get your name out there, it might just be the perfect fit. Just make sure you know what you’re getting into.

So, let’s dive into why writing a collaborative book is a great idea for you.

Exploring the Many Advantages of Co-Writing for Authors

You will gain valuable experience as an author

Writing a book can be challenging, especially for those who are new to the process. By joining a collaborative book project, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of writing, publishing, and marketing a book. This experience will help you prepare for your own solo book projects in the future.

You will expand your professional network

Collaborative book projects offer a unique chance to connect with like-minded authors and professionals in your niche. This network can be invaluable in helping you grow your business and stay updated on industry trends.

You will increase your visibility and reach

When you co-author a book, you’ll be part of a larger marketing effort that can help you reach a wider audience. This is especially important in today’s competitive social media landscape, where it can be difficult to stand out without a strong network.

You will open doors to new opportunities

Becoming an author can lead to speaking engagements, media coverage, and other professional opportunities. By joining a collaborative book project, you’ll be able to leverage these opportunities to grow your business and personal brand.

You will be part of a community that supports and motivates you 

Writing a book can be a solitary and isolating experience, but collaborative book projects offer a sense of camaraderie and support. You’ll be surrounded by fellow authors who understand the challenges and rewards of writing a book, and you’ll be motivated to stay on track and achieve your goals.

But, but, but…

If you think being a co-author is gonna make you rich from book royalties, that’s probably not gonna happen.  Here’s why: when you publish a book on Amazon, they take a cut of the profits. And when you co-author a book with others, sometimes you split the royalties too. It’s not a lot of money, to be honest.

For example, if you co-author a $2.99 eBook with 14 others, you’d only get about 14 cents per sale. And most books don’t sell that many copies.

So, if you’re looking to get rich quickly, there may be better ways to go than royalties. But it could still be a great opportunity if you’re in it for the experience, connections, and sharing your message. Just keep your expectations realistic. At Brave Healer Productions we pride ourselves on creating a return on investment that is way more lucrative than royalties. In our projects, only the lead author shares royalties, however, we offer business-building benefits to our authors that have paid them back on their investment and then some! 

At Brave Healer Productions, we understand that writing and publishing can be hard. But with the right partner, it can be an exciting adventure. Let’s take this journey together and share your brave words with the world.

Ready to get started? Reach out to our dedicated publishing team at and schedule a conversation today!

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