Submit your Application for the Sacred Spaces 3 Book Project.

This project is for healing arts business owners who have a goal to grow their business with brave words and tools for working with subtle shifts in our mind, body, and home spaces!

The Sacred Spaces book project is...

  • 25-author/expert collaboration project led by Laura Di Franco with the support of the Brave Healer Productions team, and Colleen Avis, life coach and award-winning author.
  • Professionally designed and marketed with the goal to help you spread your message and build your business.
  • Run with the goal to inspire you to do your best writing, step up your business development game, and learn some badass book launch strategies.
  • Created to offer group writing and book launch coaching for our authors.
  • The premier collaboration of 25 dedicated authors bringing self-discovery and healing tools into our world by recognizing and engaging subtle shifts for mind, body, and home. 

Way more than just a book project...

There will be possible opportunities for:

  • Networking with like-minded individuals and author of Sacred Spaces Volume 1 and 2 who are changing the world through mind, body, soul, and home self-discovery tools.
  • Being discovered by a large audience of ideal readers with the help of 24 other authors who are actively marketing and selling this book. 
  • Doing live readings and/or online trainings and Q&A.
  • Recognition for your expert tool amidst a dynamic group of like-minded authors.
  • Access to the Brave Healer Productions Book Launch Warriors Facebook group of over 1200 people!
  • A special online book launch celebration with authors and book purchasers.
  • Collaboration with other healthcare, healing arts, and self-discovery experts.

Here are the project details...

  • If approved, your investment to participate is $1550
  • Brave Healer Productions and Colleen Avis will receive all royalties from Amazon book sales.
  • Authors can purchase author copies at a special rate (usually $6-7 each plus tax and shipping) and sell them at full price (Paperback will be $22-$25).
  • Authors have full access to promotional tools designed by Brave Healer Productions Publishing including videos, graphics, podcast recordings, and other materials to use freely as they wish.
  • Authors have the ability to promote their services in our private Facebook group.

Here's what our authors say about being part of Brave Healer Productions Publishing projects!

What did you learn about yourself writing your chapter?
“Writing my chapter was such an incredibly therapeutic process for me. I was afraid to open up and share my truth, but by writing it all out and getting my thoughts onto the page, I began to feel more empowered, more courageous, and proud of who I am.”

“That I have a story that wants to be heard!”

“I learned that I had a story to share. I didn't know how to pick the defining moment of my life, and it was a process to get there, but once I got the idea, it flowed.”

“I learned I can do hard things, that I'm a good writer, and that I can achieve things I set my sights on. I also felt a wonderful sense of seeing my life journey more clearly and how I became the person I am today.”

“It got into my head for a while, but I knew I would publish it anyway. That sovereignty felt invigorating! To say 'Yes' to myself, over everyone else!”

“Writing has always been a catharsis for me. It’s an opportunity to reflect on all that has transpired, the lessons learned, and the growth afforded me. The path has revealed itself and it’s a beautiful journey in which I give thanks and gratitude.”
Is there anything that surprised you about the experience?
“This collaboration was well thought out and organized. I was surprised that there were no real glitches. All the authors made their deadlines and were heart-centered in their approach.”

“Yes! There is so much that surprised me in the most magical way. I didn't know what to expect, but YOU, Colleen Avis, were made to do this! You are such an incredible leader, empowering and supporting everyone EVERY. STEP. OF. THE. WAY. You made this process and experience something wildly beyond what I thought it would be. Saying 'hell yes' is one of the best things I've ever done in my 42 years.”

“I loved the moment when it all clicked into place! I knew I was getting there, but something was missing, and after the amazing team support and safety of being able to share with my co-authors, I could easily talk through what was and wasn't working and receive guidance and encouragement that helped me reach that YES moment when I knew I found my voice.”

What did you love about the experience?
“I truly enjoyed the experience, virtually and personally meeting some of the authors and fostering new connections and friendships. It’s been beautiful and heartwarming.”

“I loved the collaboration and have a deep reverence for the leadership through it all.”

"I loved the podcast interview and the launch party. I loved the other authors and the new friendships, and I loved the collaborations that are unfolding.”

Here's what our authors say about being part of other Brave Healer Productions Publishing projects!

R. Scott Holmes
Intuitive Energy Healer
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Brave Healer productions and Laura DiFranco are an experience in collaboration, incredible team building and raising your practice to a higher level.

Throughout the four projects I participated in with Brave Healer productions, the quality of the writing, the teaching and mentoring of first time authors and the business added opportunities, added exposure, polish, reach, depth to my experience. The opportunities for self reflection and growth are tremendous.

I was able to heal and grow as I told my story through the collaborative projects. It helped me to frame my business, make worldwide connections with other healers and experience amazing opportunities I otherwise would not have had.

Any healer, writer, or business builder, would do well to work with Brave Healer productions and Laura DiFranco in the numerous possibilities that she and her staff provide. This bad-ass movement has grown exponentially in the three years I’ve worked with BHP and Laura and it will continue to expand given their track record of bestselling books continuously produced.

Kim B Miller
Poet Laureate of Prince William County, VA
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So, you’re contemplating writing a chapter in one of Laura’s life-changing books. Maybe you recently decided to take a class and now you’re trying to figure out what happens next. Well, let me help you. My name is Kim B Miller and I had the pleasure of teaming up with Laura Di Franco on The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 2. I wrote Chapter 15: Recognizing Your Accomplishments for Radical Self Care.

I thought I was going to write my chapter and that would be it. Wrong! Laura is a business phenom. She took us on “the business side” of writing a book. She showed us the bigger picture. So, this is not simply about writing a chapter or taking a class. Laura takes you on a path to knowledge. You learn marketing strategies, interviewing skills, business development, book publishing and how to decipher the beast that is called Amazon.

She willingly shares her wisdom with you so you can grow your business. She kicks your butt into business shape. I took notes when the Master Strategist talked. Yes, I have a nickname for her. I listened well and the next book I published, My Poetry Is The Beauty You Overlook made it onto Amazon’s Best Seller list in three categories. It also was the #1 release in Japanese Poetry & Haiku.

So, go ahead and write that chapter and take those classes, but listen to me, get ready. You are about to enter a realm of knowledge; take notes and listen. You’re about to enter the bad ass zone!

Shelley Astrof
Master of Education

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If you want to expand your business by publishing a children’s book, Laura Di Franco and Kelly vdH - Kashula are the dynamic duo you’ll want to collaborate with. Laura’s infectious success and Kelly’s exceptional talent make them an unstoppable team, attracting top-notch collaborators and ensuring a successful publishing journey.

I’ve had the privilege of working with both Laura and Kelly on several Brave Kids and Brave Healers Production book projects, and the experience has been nothing short of transformative. Kelly’s expertise as lead author and illustrator is evident in the quality and depth of each Brave Kids story. Her ability to inspire and guide collaborating authors, coupled with her approachable nature, makes her an invaluable asset to the Brave Kids Books community.

Laura’s visionary leadership and passion for empowering authors to share their stories shine through in every project she undertakes. Her unwavering commitment to uplifting the next generation through literature is truly inspiring. I was already a published author when I joined Laura’s Brave Kids series, but the opportunity to work with her and Kelly has taken my writing journey to new heights.

Together, Laura and Kelly create a supportive and nurturing environment where authors can develop and refine their stories. From brainstorming sessions to editing workshops and monthly chats, they provide invaluable guidance every step of the way. If you have a powerful message or incredible story to share with children, there’s no better place to bring it to life than with Laura Di Franco and Kelly vdH - Kashula at Brave Kids Books.

Fill out the form below and let’s get you on the Brave Healer author team for our next project!

Submit Your Application.

Your application will be reviewed by the Brave Healer Team. Fill out the following form thoughtfully, it is how we select our authors, so make it AWESOME! Submitting your application does not imply or promise a chapter in the book.  First come, first reviewed, first served.  As soon as we have 25 approved authors this opportunity closes. Get your application in ASAP. 

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