“My path to freeing myself has included a gradual and powerful journey from quiet, good girl into my brave grown goddess self…”
“We know that the best time at the beach begins after Labor Day and that each good day we get is a gift.”
“All I know is I’ve never waited to set myself free. Setting myself free is a part of who I am.”
Desire is a body-connected language expressed when your soul begins to let you know, from a place aligned with purpose, calling and mission, what you need to survive and thrive.
I’m celebrating my 50th birthday today, finally knowing what I was born for.
The world needs the authentic, badass story only YOU can share.
Fear does NOT have to be paralyzing anymore. In fact, I’m going to challenge you to make it fun when you feel fear.
The people giving you shit for being your whole, authentic, too much, amazing self are usually just afraid to be themselves.
We must act because we want to, not because we need someone else to feel a certain way, so that then we can feel good.
Your average non-woo Joe would not pay any attention to the pretty feather lying on the ground. Average Non-woo Joe would have kept running up the hill looking at his watch the whole time and try to beat his last run time.