Aren’t all gardens healing gardens?
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Aren’t all gardens healing gardens?
What a gift to move into your adult years with worth, confidence and courage.
I started owning my feelings again. My feelings are my feelings, and for that I will not apologize.
It may be uncomfortable to put yourself first after years of not even being on your own list, but it does get easier.
Feeling “sorry” turns the focus on your weaknesses, and it holds you back from expressing your authentic self.
Looking back, I can see I shut myself off from the part of me that now gives me great joy.
What I’ve come to learn is that saying “I’m sorry” when there’s nothing legit to be sorry about is a red flag for unworthiness.
I used to dislike myself for not fitting in, feeling like I belong to a different planet.
I know I can and will find the energy to find the love, the joy, and the beauty in this gift of life.
Know that your angel team is wanting to help you even if you don’t know they are there.