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Why You Should Join A Writing Community

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  • Why You Should Join A Writing Community

Writing is a powerful tool for self-expression and communication. It gives you the ability to organize your thoughts and express them clearly.

You might be thinking that writing is a lonely occupation, but what if I told you it doesn’t have to be? And even better, what if I told you that it shouldn’t be?

Joining a group can be a game-changer, providing the encouragement and inspiration you need to keep going. As someone who has authored ten books and hundreds of blogs, published over 55 Amazon bestselling books with over 600 collaborating authors, and built an empire focused on writing, I can attest to the transformative power of a supportive writing community. It helped me move from a solitary approach to a collaborative effort, and I know it can do the same for you. So, my dear friends, let me share with you the top reasons why you should be part of a writers’ circle.

But, before jumping to that let’s talk more about the Writer’s Circle 

What is a Writer’s Circle?

The Brave Healer Writer’s Circle is a community for holistic healers, coaches, and professionals who want the support, community, and accountability of a writing group. It’s a fantastic way to connect with other writers, share your work, and receive feedback. Being a writer can be a lonely journey, but with a writer’s group, you can have a supportive community to help you along the way. It’s a great opportunity to learn from others, get inspired, and improve your craft. So if you’re a writer looking to connect with like-minded individuals, I highly recommend joining the writer’s circle.

Are you looking for the best writing communities? You can join Writer’s Circle at Brave Healers Productions. I created a writer’s circle to gather with my writing-loving friends and stay accountable to my passion. Our mission is to share writing as a healing practice, and a way to build your business. 

This community is created to help you improve your writing skills from that centered, embodied space. Our goal is to help you improve and stay on track with your writing practice and provide a schedule and community for support, growth, encouragement, inspiration, and honest feedback.

5 Reasons Why You Should Join The Writing Community

1. The Value of Peer Revision

Whenever I submit a draft for review to one or two of my fellow group members, they invariably notice and suggest moving paragraphs, trimming sentences, fixing spelling mistakes, and rephrasing things.

How did I miss noticing these? I wonder!

Their pieces often contain errors that I can find when I review their drafts.

As writers, we often miss the imperfections in our own work. Having another set of eyes look at your drafts can be very helpful. Feedback from other writers can assist in honing your message and conveying it more efficiently. I love getting feedback that helps me be a better writer. I have more of a learner’s mindset now and I crave learning new ways to write that turn people on and keep them engrossed in my material.

Don’t be afraid to seek out critiques and suggestions. Remember, we’re all imperfect human beings striving to improve our craft.

2. Provides A Better Understanding Of The Writing Business

While there are countless articles out there offering tips and tricks, there’s no substitute for the firsthand experience of your peers. It’s like when you start a new job and have to read the rule book. It can be helpful, but it’s your colleagues who can give you the inside scoop on what the job is really like and what has worked, and what has failed for them, it really helps!

In writing, that’s where a writers’ group comes in. By sharing their experiential wisdom, members can offer a unique and invaluable perspective on what it takes to succeed in the world of writing. Whether you’re looking for advice, inspiration, or simply a supportive community, a writers’ group can provide the guidance and encouragement you need to take your craft to the next level.

3. Provides Better Networking Opportunities 

Writers from all walks of life and at different levels of skill and success can be found in writing groups. Many writers agree that it’s a rewarding experience to help other writers achieve their writing goals. They’re more than happy to provide resources, connections, and valuable information as well as put in a good word for you to help you succeed.

When querying agents and sending in cover letters to editors, be sure to mention that you’re part of an established writing group. This will demonstrate that you have connections in the industry, are serious about writing, and have been able to develop your skills under the guidance of other successful writers.

4. It Motivates and Inspires You To Write More

I’ve seen firsthand the drive and determination of my fellow group members, and it’s contagious! 

Watching them publish high-quality pieces one after another incentivizes me to do the same. And it’s not just about competition – it’s about following in the footsteps of those who inspire us. There’s so much to learn in the world of writing. Writing is a journey of passion and self-discovery. It’s about pouring your heart and soul onto the page and striving to become the best writer you can be. 

If you love to write, don’t worry about publishing so much. If you need motivation to keep writing and improving your craft, a writing group might be just what you need. The support and camaraderie of fellow writers can be just the boost you need to double your publishing rate and achieve your dreams.

5. Learning Becomes Enjoyable And Fosters A Feeling Of Belonging

Belonging to a writing group can be incredibly rewarding. Not only do you get to improve your writing skills, but you also get to connect with other writers and have fun in the process. I’ve personally had many enjoyable moments and have laughed out loud countless times. 

Joining a writing community can be a transformative experience. It’s a place where conflicts are resolved with respect, and success is celebrated.

At Brave Healer Productions, we empower you to share your story with the world. Because the world needs to hear those healing words you’re afraid to share. We want you to enjoy the process of writing and let it come from a connected, feeling place inside. There’s someone who needs to hear your words in a way only you can share them. 

Join our community today and experience the power of writing with like-minded individuals.

In the end, I will leave you with this quote by Louis L’Amour

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” 

When you feel like giving up, remember that your BRAVE WORDS have the power to change lives, even if it’s just your own. Keep building your skills, and never forget the impact that you can have on the world.

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