What is a Writer’s Circle?
Our Brave Healer Writer’s Circle is a community for holistic healers, coaches, and professionals who want the support, community, and accountability of a writing group! Our mission is to share writing as a healing practice, and a way to build your business. Whether you’re a beginner, journaling-lover, or are writing a book, we want to support you!
The Brave Healer Writer’s Circle is created to help you improve your writing skills, but from that centered embodied space inside you. Our goal is to help you stay on track with your writing practice and provide a schedule and community for support, growth, encouragement, inspiration, and honest feedback.
Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, is the founder of The Brave Healer Writer’s Circle. Along with expert facilitators, Laurie Morin, Dr. Erika Putnam, Lisa Karasek, and Lulu Trevena, and our guest workshop instructors, we have a team who’s ready to write with you!
Why do you need a Writer’s Circle?
You want to share your brave words in a bigger way with your writing and attract raving fans but you suffer from writer’s block and feel stuck in the cycle of insecurity and your inner critic.
You might be
These “ifs” and “buts” stopping you from sharing your BRAVE words—it’s time to silence them once and for all! We’re here to empower you to share your story with the world. Because the world needs to hear those healing words you’re afraid to share. We want you to enjoy the process of writing and let it come from a connected, feeling place inside, and to know there’s someone who needs to hear it from you in a way only you can share it!
Who is Writer’s Circle for?
The writer’s circle program is for entrepreneurs, health professionals, practitioners, and writers who:
- Want accountability for their writing practice.
- Have a poweful message to share.
- Like to write and want to get better at it.
- Need regular inspiration and writing prompts.
- Want feedback on their writing and are interested in using storytelling as a tool for building their business.
- Want to attract clients and serve them with additional education and resources.
- Want to be invited to speak or be a podcast guest and want more publicity and exposure for their business.
- Are building their platform in preparation for their book or business, and want to be found on search engines to attract new clients in their groups, opt-ins, and offerings.
What’s Included in the Program for 2025!
- Inspiring writing prompts that’ll help you put your ideas down onto the piece of paper.
- Feedback opportunities, giving and receiving, a community of like-minded folks who’ll provide you genuine feedback and ways to improve your writing.
- Pro tips, tricks, and strategies to improve your writing.
Book reviews and summaries (Our favorite books about writing). - A safe, fun space to write and feel inspired to share your brave words.
- Opportunities for Q&A from our guides.
- A Writer’s Circle Facebook group to share and ask questions.
- Access to our entire library of guest instructor session replays!
Charleen M. Michel
The value of the writer’s circle is to have dedicated time to enhance my writing skills in a guided session. I also love to hear the diversity of thoughts as people share their interpretations on a similar theme/prompt.
Guy Kilchrist
When the writing group arrives, I am invited to join the sandbox. For me, the decision is much like choosing whether to cross a bridge from the busyness of the day into something unknown. I make that crossing so my thoughts can float away on paper. Ultimately, it is for no other reason than to play with others.
Lori A. Pieper
I love being in the Writer’s Circle because it allows me to take my writing in different directions and just writing for the fun of it. And the other members are great. We all just love to write. Everyone is supportive and no one is ever judgmental. In my first writer’s circle, my own self-doubt made me feel like I wasn’t a good enough writer and everyone was a better writer than me. Well, that was in the first 5 minutes and then I knew this writer’s circle doesn’t judge. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned writer, or a rookie like me. We’re just writers who want to have some fun with our writing, while being challenged at the same time. We support each other. This is a safe place where I can let my imagination go wild and unapologetically write what comes to my mind. It is so incredibly freeing! Overall being part of the Writer’s Circle has boosted my confidence because I am learning as I write. If you love to write, you will love the Writer’s Circle.
Karen Robinson
This one call today was worth more than what I paid for my membership!
The Program details
In 2025, there will be up to SIX opportunities to meet EVERY month:
First and third Sunday mornings 10:00-11:15 am eastern (7am pacific/9am central).
Second and fourth Monday evenings: 8:30 pm eastern (5:30 pacific/7:30 central).
Second Wednesday, 11 am – 12 pm eastern (8am pacific/10am central): Business Writing
Jan – March: Fourth Wednesday, 11 am – 12 pm eastern (8 am pacific/10 am central): Read and discuss (opportunity to get feedback on your writing)
First & Third Sundays 10-11:15 am eastern
Second & Fourth Mondays 8:30-9:45 pm eastern
Second Wednesdays 11:00 am eastern
Fourth Wednesdays 11:00 am eastern (Jan – Mar 2025)
(Dates noted with a *** require a special Zoom link which will be sent to all members)
***January 21: 2-3:30 pm Eastern: Self-Publishing: Everything You Need to Know: Laura Di Franco
January 26: Show Don’t Tell: Laura Di Franco and Laurie Morin:
February 2: Empower Your Life with 3:6:9 Tesla Trio Tyme Poetry: Timothy Stuetz
February 10: Exploring Deeper Healing Through Journal Writing: Karen Robinson
***February 11: 12:30 pm – 2 pm eastern: Before You Write the Book (Prep for Success: Laura Di Franco
***March 11: 12:30 pm – 2 pm eastern: Better Writing Part 1: Show Don’t Tell: Laura Di Franco
April 6: 10:00 am eastern: Mythic Fiction: Ruth Souther
***April 15: 12:30 – 2pm eastern: Storytelling for Business Owners: Laura Di Franco
***May 13: 12:30 – 2 pm eastern: Better Writing Part 2: Sentence Structure and Active Writing: Laura Di Franco
June 1: 10:00am eastern: How to Write a Children’s Story: K.J. Kaschula
***June 10: 12:30 – 2 pm eastern: Publishing Q&A: Laura Di Franco
***July 8: 12:30 – 2 pm eastern: Blogging to Build Your Author Platform: Laura Di Franco
July 20: 10:00 am eastern: Write, Heal, Empower: Making the Most of Your Personal Essay: Corinne Santiago
***Aug 12: 12:30 – 2 pm eastern: Writing Hooks, Headlines, and Titles that Attract Perfect Clients: Laura Di Franco
***Sept 9: 12:30 – 2 pm eastern: Writing Your About Page and Bio: Laura Di Franco
Oct 5: 10:00 am eastern: The Alchemical Process of Writing a Book: Andrea Hylen
The Fees:
Or: $47 for a one-month try-it-out membership!
You may attend as many weekly meetings as you wish.
There will be no recordings of these meetings. There WILL be recordings of all guest instructor sessions!
We will invite different guest facilitators throughout the year to assist. Our main and regular facilitator and director of the circle is Dr. Erika Putnam.