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How to Market a Self-Published Book Within Budget

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While writing your book, you might find yourself asking, “I’ve put my heart into every page—how on earth do I tell people about it?”

Suddenly, you’re flooded with a million questions. How can I ensure people notice my book when there are so many out there? Can I really do this without spending a fortune?

Many of us didn’t study business or marketing. We’re writers—not marketing gurus. Most of my writer friends feel the same way.

But here’s the good news: you don’t need to be a marketing expert to succeed. In my experience, what really matters is building solid relationships. Whether in business or writing, connections are key to growth.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of marketing your self-published book, you’re not alone. This blog will guide you through some of the common questions about self-publishing and offer practical advice on how to market your book effectively without breaking the bank.

10 Cost-Effective Tips to Market Self-Published Books

1: Craft Your Author Brand

When it comes to marketing my self-published book, the first step is crafting your author brand. Think about the image you want to project. This includes your personality, writing style, and the message you want to convey. Once you have a clear brand, you’ll find it easier to maintain consistency across social media, email, and other marketing platforms.

To create your author brand, consider these questions: What tone should you use when engaging with readers? What colors and fonts represent your vibe? The answers to these questions will help you design your website, social media profiles, and marketing materials in a way that feels authentic. Please connect with my expert brand strategist friend Melissa Henry for more information and coaching for your brand! 

2: Set Up Your Website and Social Media

Next, set up your online presence. Having a dedicated website or social media accounts is essential for reaching a wider audience. A website gives readers a place to learn more about you and your book, while social media allows you to connect with readers directly. Platforms like WordPress and Wix are affordable options for building a website. If you’re looking for free options, consider blog platforms like Medium or Tumblr.

Choose at least one social media platform to focus on. Many authors find success on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Use these platforms to share updates, engage with your audience, and build relationships. These are some fundamental book publicity tips that can make a big difference.

3: Start an Email List

An email list is your main platform as an author and a way to stay in touch with your readers. You can send updates about your book, share interesting content, or offer special promotions. Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform that offers affordable plans. Be sure to place the signup link for your email list on your website and social media profiles.

An email list allows you to maintain a direct line of communication with your audience. This is a simple yet powerful (and necessary) marketing tip to keep readers engaged and informed about your latest projects.

4: Ensure a Great Cover Design and Book Description

First impressions matter, and that’s why a professional book cover design is crucial. If you can, hire a designer to create a cover that stands out. Websites like Fiverr and Upwork offer affordable options. If you’re on a tight budget, you can use Canva to design your cover for free.

Your book description is just as important as the cover. Make sure it grabs attention and clearly describes what your book is about. Add any awards or reviews you’ve received, and don’t forget to include a compelling hook in the first few lines. A good cover and description can help you promote your book effectively. 

5: Land Book Reviews

Reviews are critical for building credibility and encouraging sales. Start by asking friends and family to leave honest reviews. You can also reach out to book bloggers and reviewers in your genre. Having positive reviews can make a significant impact on your book’s success. This step is essential before investing too much in advertising or promotions.

6: Build a Dedicated Launch Team

Building a launch team of friends, family, and colleagues will boost your book’s visibility and sales. Consider building a launch team to generate buzz before your book’s release. This way, you can gather reviews ahead of time and potentially land on bestseller lists. It’s a smart way to build momentum for your book launch. Grab our Brave Book Launch Playbook with a step-by-step on how to do this!

7: Organize a Launch Event

Celebrate your book’s release with a launch event. It doesn’t have to be elaborate—consider hosting a virtual event or a small gathering to engage with readers and build excitement. Invite friends, family, and followers from your email list and social media. QR codes can make it easier for people to check out your book, giving them a quick way to access your book’s page. You’ll find a great resource for fun and successful book launch events at  The Brave Healer Author’s Guide to Successful Book Parties and Launch Events

8: Try Price Promotions

Offering discounts or free copies of your book is an effective way to attract new readers. Many online bookstores, like Amazon, allow you to set up price promotions. Consider offering your book for free or at a discounted rate for a limited time. This can help you reach a broader audience and encourage people to give your book a chance.

9: Test Out Ads

Online ads don’t have to be expensive. You can run ads on platforms like Amazon with a budget as low as $5 a day. This is an excellent way to get your book in front of a larger audience. Experiment with different ad campaigns to see what works best for your book.

10: Network

Building relationships with other authors and readers is key. Participating in online forums and groups like Writer’s Circle, offers support and valuable insights into the publishing process. Reddit also has groups dedicated to self-published authors where you can share tips and learn from others’ successes and challenges. 

Participating in writers’ retreats gives you the chance to refine your skills while meeting other authors and industry professionals. It’s a fantastic opportunity to network and gain a deeper understanding of the publishing world. Literary conferences, on the other hand, allow you to learn from industry experts, engage in discussions, and connect with publishers. These events are a great way to broaden your network and find new avenues for promoting your book.

I know now that building your audience, growing an email list, and developing your marketing strategy takes time. To succeed, readers need to know, like, and trust you.

Consistency is crucial when you’re trying to market self-published books. Here’s my formula for success:

👉Be patient

👉Be persistent and consistent

👉Be authentic

👉Don’t give up


Remember, writing and marketing can be a challenge, but with the right support, it’s an adventure worth taking. If you’re ready to dive deeper into self-publishing and need guidance, reach out to our team at We’re here to help you on your journey!

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