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5 Ways to Get Off Your Butt and Live Your Precious Life


“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
― Mary Oliver

You love this quote right? Gives you a sense of urgency about life, doesn’t it? But no, really…what do you plan to do? Like now? The clock’s ticking. Are you going to share your gifts with the world? Are you going to even find out what those gifts are? Or are you going to sit on your butt and let fear paralyze you?

Somewhere along my journey I learned my superpower. I get stuff done. Why is that a superpower? Because I realized that most people sit around wishing for things and not taking any action. I realized that most people let their fear stop them and they give up. I learned how to move through fear and take action. I jump, most times before I’m ready.

Call me impulsive. Call me crazy. Call me whatever you feel like…it won’t stop me. I’ve manifested my dreams by doing the things I love. The magic’s in the action.

I’m going to share with you the steps to bliss that took me forty years to learn. I don’t mean to make this sound easy by condensing it into an all-popular “5 Ways to” list. I aim to give you the secrets so you can find your path and get started. So you don’t waste your precious time. I’m working on the detailed version of this blog. For now, know that years of healing went into this list, and it all boils down to moving toward what you love.

What’s amazing about your bliss when you find it is everything gets easier.

5 Ways to Get Off Your Butt and Live Your Precious Life

1. Be Brave. It’s time. You need to do the thing you think you cannot do.
2. Work on your shit. And by shit, I mean the fear that gets in the way of you being your full-on, kick-ass, enthusiastic, unapologetic self.
3. Stay awake. Use awareness to make sure your shit doesn’t keep paralyzing you. Watch your behavior and thoughts like a hawk. Practice not believing everything you think.
4. Find what you love to do so much you lose track of time. It’s that thing that turns you on, lights you up and gets you out of bed without an alarm.
5. Do number 4 every day.

REPEAT all steps over and over again until you die.

I know, that list wasn’t fair. But it was the truth about healing your fears and living a life that makes you happy every day. It seems simple, right? It is. But the moments inside of number 1 and 2 can seem terrifying and downright impossible. I’m here to tell you it (your dreams) are not impossible. I’m here to light a fire under you; to inspire you to go for it.

If you know you have a mission on this earth, that you were meant to find your voice, share your gifts, and help heal the world, then you get this list. The problem is the things in your mind that get in the way of doing anything about it. If you want to make good on your wishes and dreams you must take action.

Action can be small or big, short or long…it just has to be something that moves you in the direction you want to go. A phone call, a list, an email, writing, creating…do anything, just don’t sit on your butt doing nothing. Take all those thoughts, plans and dreams and figure out one small thing you can do to lean in that direction.

Recognize all the things in your mind, all the thoughts and beliefs that put you into your dark pit of unworthiness, fear and shame, were taught to you by someone else. And you believed what they had to say. You had no choice.

Now realize that you have a choice. You can choose to listen to those messages, or you can learn how to shut them down and get to the real voice you need for true healing, your intuition. You have the power to heal your life and take action for everything you want. Be brave. Work on your shit. Stay awake. Find your bliss. Repeat.

The only thing that’s in the way of what you want is thinking it’s impossible, that you aren’t worth it, that you don’t deserve it or that it’s too hard/expensive/time consuming/late. The only thing in your way is you. I know you are trying to come up with a good excuse right now, but they won’t fly. Excuses keep you small. Play big, take action, make more mistakes, and take more action.

You can do it. And it’s what you need to do with your one wild and precious life.

Laura is a warrior healing expert, published author and teacher for people who are fed up with pain and fear. Her game-changing blogs and integrative classes redefine healing and help you be brave, heal your shit and find your bliss. Her writing has been featured Tiny Buddha, Mind Body Green, Elephant Journal and BlackBelt Magazine. Find her books, Living, Healing and Taekwondo, Warrior Love and Warrior Joy, a Journal to Inspire Your Fiercely Alive Whole Self, on Amazon. When she’s not with clients you’ll find her petting her dogs or a horse, practicing her axe-kick, taste testing cheese or dark chocolate, or creating her next book. Connect with your inner warrior and start your healing journey at 

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