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A Mini Tutorial: Your Plans to Live Your Dreams and Heal the World

Dream it up.      Fuel the fire.      Make it happen.

“Live a life that sizzles and pops. That makes you laugh out loud every day!”
Marc and Angel Hack Life

Dream it up, warrior!

If you can think, you can dream. If you can dream, you can dream anything! The first step to doing what you want to do is to dream up the idea. Dream it up with every possible detail you can imagine, including taste, smell, touch, sound and sight. Make this dream come alive. Get into the scene and feel it.

For this kind of dreaming you are going to want to write this all down. Go now, get your notebook and pen. Start writing down what it is you want to do. All the amazing details as noted above. Don’t leave anything out. Not even the impossible stuff. Especially not the impossible stuff!

Go tell your BFF, coach, mentor, workmate, sister, mom, whoever! When you get an idea out of your head and into the world by talking about it, something that was just a thought in your head becomes more real and you become more accountable. Talking about it helps you formulate and shape the ideas. It’s not real until you’ve said it out loud!

You better really want it, because as soon as you start thinking about it, and talking about it, the Universe will conspire on your behalf. Don’t worry about the how. Just be careful, certain and on-purpose about what you wish for! Be clear about what you want and why. Don’t forget the Big Why! This is important! The Big Why is the fuel behind the dream.

Make your plans. Create an outline. Start a to do list. Act as if your dream is already happening, because it is! Step into the feeling that is created when you feel and see yourself doing the thing you want to do. Let that emotion fill you up, excite you, move you and make you come alive. Come back to that feeling again, and again.

Fuel the fire!

Enhance Life's Beauty
Enhance Life’s Beauty

A flame will burn as long as it has fuel. Make sure you douse yourself daily! Surround yourself with affirmation, with notes, events, groups and people that lift you high enough that you have no choice but to soar. Find the individuals who don’t believe in no, negativity, judgement or rules. Make dates with the dreamers, visionaries, teachers and positivity and possibility dwellers. Find the badass, hippie warriors of love and set up a play date!

Remind yourself of your Big Why every day. Write it down on a pretty, glittery paper and put it on the bathroom mirror. Go on.

Read something that inspires you every day! Find great sources of soul illuminating inspiration and make sure to give those sources your support.

Make your default thinking an attitude of gratitude. Always. No matter what is going on, what kind of a day you are having, what someone has said to you, always come back around to what you have to be grateful for. Make this a lifelong discipline. It is part of the power that creates your dreams. The other is love.

Put the power of love behind everything you imagine. Think, dream, and create with that energy.

Feel as if. This is in the dream it section too…but it is the fuel that keeps this party going. Feel as if you are already basking in the glow of your dreams. Try on the joy, love, happiness, bliss, contentment, calm, peace, abundance and effortlessness on for size. When you feel the emotions associated with these things, the Universe doesn’t know the difference between you having it or not having it. It acts as if you do, and makes shit happen.

Make a choice to shut out negativity, whether it means turning off the evening news, or walking away from a conversation. Just do it. The space you create by shutting down negativity allows something different, new and positive to take its place. Create boundaries with people who bring negative energy into your life. Let them know you mean business.

Make it happen!


Do this before you are ready. Make tons of mistakes. Take a small step each day toward doing what you want to be doing. Fail. And then try again. Feel your fear and do it anyway.

Find out who is already doing what you want to be doing and go be their student. Get some training. You’ll never know who is willing unless you ask.

Action trumps planning every time, so if you are not taking action toward your dream (you only need a tiny bit) then nothing will happen. Talk to yourself like it’s already happening. Use “I am,” statements. My coach Torrie gave me a great fill in the blank…”I am so happy and grateful now that I am____.” You can use this for anything you dream up.

Make a phone call. Set up a date. Read a book. Engage in an online group or training. Write out your plans. Speak up your dreams. Check something off of your to do list. Today!

Schedule everything in your calendar like a VIP appointment. Protect the time you set for your dreams. Practice integrity – for your own self!

Realize that there is nothing and nobody stopping you. Get out of your own way and do the thing you think you cannot do.


IMG_8461-EditLaura Probert, MPT is a published author, healer and black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She is the owner of Bodyworks Physical Therapy and Soul Camp, LLC. Find more about her healing, writing and kicking passions here: and here:


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