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Ask How Instead of Why and Transform Problems to Solutions

IMG_2710When you’re trying to figure things out, ponder about the way life has gone or otherwise reflect on the journey, it’s way more helpful to ask the universe HOW rather than WHY. A strategically placed how, coupled with the expectation and gratitude that the answer is already within you, will help you much more than suffering in the why.

It’s time to up level your energy and manifesting skills. It’s time to step into the power you possess and take it all to a bit higher vibration. One of the ways you can do that is to let go inside of good questions.

When you’re asking why you’re resisting what is, or what’s already happened. Why implies you need the answer to why a certain situation is the way it is or why something went the way it went. But it’s not the answer to what you really want. You really want the situation to be different. So who cares why it is the way it is. It just is.

If you’re in it for change, then start asking how. Begin to approach the universe with questions it can help you with. “How can I” becomes a powerful way to ask for something you’d like. The answer to the question how will be a strategy toward it, not an explanation, as with the whys.

Notice when and how often you ask why. Notice how this induces quick suffering. Notice how when you don’t know the answer to why, you dwell in a thick pit of uncertainty, of desperate energy. You’re wanting and confused…as if the answer to why will make everything okay.

Next time you catch yourself in the why try shifting it to something more helpful. It’s okay to not know the answers. It’s okay to live in the moment of uncertainty. Try asking how. Here are some examples of why questions turned to how questions that I’ve posed to the universe:

Why am I sick again?
Instead, try: How can I ensure peak health and performance?

Why can’t I attract new clients? or Why is my business not doing so great?
Instead try: How can I create a business that will serve the best and highest good of me and my clients?

Why are we fighting again?
Instead try: How can I nourish this relationship in such a way that both people feel free and happy?

Why am I always so afraid to speak up and do what I want to do?
Instead try: How can I think, believe and act so I’m empowered to live my dreams and inspire others?

Why don’t my kids want to spend time with me?
Instead try: How can I best support my kids on their journeys?

These are just a few how statements. Now you can fashion some of your own. When you turn the whys into hows you change your mental focus from the problem to a solution. Instead of dwelling in the negative situation you dwell in the possibility of a positive outcome. The vibration of positivity or even just possibility is higher than negativity and doubt. It takes a consistent discipline of awareness to change your own pattern of thinking but the results will be worth the effort.

Now go ask how…and start imagining the answer is already within you. Because it is. And then sprinkle yourself with a little love and sit back and let go…let the universe work toward getting you your answers.


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