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Between Here and There – What To Do When You Are Not Where You Want To Be

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  • Between Here and There – What To Do When You Are Not Where You Want To Be

Between here and there is the blankHere we are, all tucked away and cozy in our now. We practice this. We’re better at it. The books, seminars and Facebook memes are paying off; we understand and take advantage of The Power of Now. Thanks Eckhart. We are disciplining our minds and working with our triggers, fears, and emotions and moving toward our wildest dreams. But we aren’t there yet.

In between here and there is the ultimate test in faith, patience, practice and, the key ingredient, taking small action steps in the direction of There.

I don’t mean thinking about There a lot. Although imagining There as if it’s already here does help. I mean acting as if we are there; doing the things we would do if we were already there. Not wishing, not hoping, not planning…doing and being it.

I sat with a soulmate at lunch yesterday and we talked about our There. We envision it, feel it, know it’s coming, but we both admitted to not being there yet and having to deal with the ache inside – the yearning to be where we are not yet. What do we do in the meantime?” I asked him. “I am not sure,” he said.

Actually, I do know one secret to this dilemma. I suggested he try a baby step version of his vision. I told him to stop dreaming about it and create a way to actually do it, even if it is a first step toward the bigger There. “Yeah, maybe I will start with a small group of people and…” I smiled because his action wheels were turning and I know that action, in whatever form you choose to make it happen, is one of the secrets to getting There.

I called him out on being stuck in his left brain as well. “I see this taking years to evolve, going slowly, and then eventually something will happen that will catapult me into the big vision,” he said. “Is that your intuition talking, like do you actually see and feel it taking years (I accentuated the s a bit to sound like five or more) or is that your logical voice, Mr. Practical talking?” I asked. He admitted it was his practical, left brain voice doing that talking.

The real power of now combines the awareness to differentiate the voices in your head, and taking action toward the voice of your intuition/dreams/passion. It’s hard to follow our wild, passion voice because we are taught to do the opposite. We are taught to think that we should listen to the logical brain; that it is the “right” one. It takes a warrior presence to do it a new way.

So after he admitted that the years it was going to take to evolve into his big vision was just his fear voice talking, he began to envision the smaller steps he could take toward doing some of that now. Magic I tell you.

The most important piece, after the awareness, after recognizing the voices, is moving your ass. You must make the call, set up the date, arrange the space, create the flyer, start marketing the event. These steps, if you look at it all as a learning process, will be the way to create the bigger vision. The mistakes, changes and failures along the way are all how you will be creating the big, awesome, spectacular thing. Those failures are necessary!

So you can stop being afraid of making your mistakes, and start trying to make more!

Between here and there is the blank canvas on which we get to create. The space in the middle of here and there is the place we sort it all out, learn, grow, evolve, and express ourselves. If you are sitting around in between here and there wishing, wondering, hoping and at very best planning, I suggest you make an action step list (that is itself taking action) and start doing and being number 1.

What do you have to lose? If it doesn’t work, or isn’t what you hoped, or you think of something better and go for that, well, you are now onto step 2. Excellent. Before you know it, you will be There, barely recognizing yourself. And guess what, as soon as you are There, you will again be between here and a new There, so you might as well get used to never quite being There!

Do it and be it now, in any small way you can think of. That is how you will handle the ache you feel; by actually doing something about it. I can’t think of anything more worth while to take action for than your own dreams and desires. You are the only one this matters to (except for Mom maybe), so now that you are good at being here and now, don’t let that paralyze you. Let the moment you are in inspire you to take action toward There. Between here and there is really the best place to be, as long as you let the ache set you on fire.

Tell me in the comments: Where is your There? And how are you doing and being it now?

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Laura Probert, MPT is currently setting fire to her dream of teaching a course called From Awareness to Creativity…which explores how to use the powerful tool of awareness in combination with writing and art-making, as a healing practice. She spends most of her between moments these days writing copy and recording the audio that will be part of this amazing course. Her “there” is a business that inspires the shit out of you, and helps you take action for your kick-ass life. Find out about this course and some of her other passions at

"I write to Feng Shui my soul." Laura Probert
“I write to Feng Shui my soul.” Laura Probert


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