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Why The Coach Needs a Coach

The most successful coaches have a coach. Oh wait, you think they did it all by themselves? You think they built their empire alone, with blood, sweat and tears, and so you should be able to do it that way too? You think that is the only way it means anything?

That might be true…if you want to do it the hard way.

I feel the pull toward collaboration this year. Back up slowly, and quietly from the sleeping bear of “I must do everything by myself for it to mean anything,” and run in the other direction. Hooking up with a teacher or coach will catapult you into the wonderland of personal growth and success faster than you can say “Fly!”


Here are 5 reasons even the coaches hire a coach:

1. Accountability

It is one thing to say you will do something and another to write it down in your shiny new 2015 planner. It is an entirely bigger thing when you pay a coach and then create a goal together based on her advice, make a plan, with a timeline, and then become accountable to another person for the action steps. New ball game folks! We are wired to not want to disappoint. And if we are good at disappointing ourselves, we are less likely to deliberately disappoint another, especially the coach we paid good money to.

2. Experience

You know that advice that goes something like, “Surround yourself with the people who are already doing and being the person you want to be?” They have been there and done that, and probably know a thing or two about you going there and doing that. Your coach has done it and knows the steps to take. They are a valuable resource for the “How” in success.

3. Inspiration

Everyone needs it. And you coach has it. They will be able to inspire you in ways you can’t inspire yourself. They will be your sounding board, backboard, surf board and will keep you from getting bored. Plus, they will teach you the way to inspiration as a way of life, not just something that comes around once in a while to fire you up. Coaches know how to light your fire, and how to keep it lit, even when you hit a slump. Use them!

4. Objectivity

Your coach sees what you can’t see. One of the reasons a coach is so helpful is that they can look at you from the outside and be objective about what you are saying, and doing.  They stay awake to what you are asleep to and wake you the Hell up when you need waking! They are unattached to your drama and can call you out like nobody else. They will give you a perspective you hadn’t thought of and that will be the spark of creativity you needed to keep you rolling.

5.  Respect and Trust

Your teacher or coach has earned your respect and trust and you will do things for them you might not do for yourself. When you have a relationship with someone who honors your dreams and goals and makes you feel like you can achieve them, and then holds you accountable for doing so, grab on tight.  When they truly show their caring, respect and genuine desire for your success on a consistent basis, understand that you have something most people don’t. Treat it like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that it is and don’t let go.

I have had many coaches and teachers over the years. All taught me important lessons, each in different ways. For the first time this past year I hired a coach to help me navigate my life and some of the dreams I had for success. This was by far the most amazing, wonderful thing I have ever done for myself. Not only did Torrie care about me and my dreams, she moved me along a path of growth, accountability and transformation I didn’t know was possible.

“When you are serious, determined, positive and on purpose, magical shit happens.” Torrie M. Pattillo

When I read this and recognized I had just met one of my soul mates in life, I knew in that moment that anything was possible. Hiring Torrie meant that I had to be open and vulnerable, but it also meant that I would shift my life in ways that kept me growing toward my dreams in every aspect of my life. I finally had my own personal cheerleader, psychic, life coach and all around “Gonna make stuff happen” gal, in MY court. Nothing cooler than that.

I recently heard Torrie talk about her coach, and thought, “Of course she has a coach!” Even the coaches need coaches. To be able to do what they do for you, they must have someone doing it for them. All of a sudden I thought about the years I had spent working really, really hard, alone, expecting that my success and happiness would only matter or mean anything if it was hard won. And all of a sudden, that notion crumbled like a too dry cookie.

Do you have a dream? Do you know someone already doing your dream? Go ask them to be your coach. Chances are they will be thrilled and honored you asked, and you will be on your way to your own success and happiness, only it will be easier this time.

Laura Probert, MPT has practiced the art of physical therapy and awareness for over 20 years. She writes to Feng Shui her soul. Her passion is to show you how integrating mind, body and soul can lead to transformation and healing. Her workshop, When Your Soul Speaks, Healing Moves for 2015 debuts on March 15, 2015. Reserve your spot here:

Connect with her here:

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