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Don’t Shrink Yourself for Someone Else’s Comfort



I’m 5’3” and recently learned that being under 5’5″ officially puts me in the short person club. But ask my friends – they’ll tell you I’m a whole lot of energy in a small package. I’ve found myself shrinking that energy to make other people comfortable, so when I saw this poster yesterday, I was excited. (Click on it to go to their Facebook page).

My dreams are big, my heart is big and my enthusiasm is a beast. When I choose to let you feel the full force of this tornado inside, it can be overwhelming (I’ve been told so). And I’m getting more and more used to letting that energy fly no matter who’s in my presence or my ideas about who can handle it or not. I don’t want to be annoying, but I also can’t hold it in any longer. I can’t shrink.

Why am I telling you this? Good question. I’ve thought about why I write at all. I’ve thought and thought and thought about the rights, wrongs, appropriate, supposed-to stuff…and every time I let that voice speak to me I get this small, shriveled up feeling in the center of my chest. It hurts. Not going there anymore. So I’m telling you this about myself because it feels good to express stuff. That’s it.

I don’t really need a reason to tell my stories. They matter, and so do yours. Our expression is how we’re alive in the world. It doesn’t always have to be out loud. But unless it is, I don’t really know what you’re all about. I can’t fully realize the huge dreams that sit inside that small (or bigger) package of yours. And without speaking them out loud, I can’t help you manifest them into the world – none of us can.

Thing is, I want to hear them. I want you to say, “Me too!” I want to connect with you and know what your big dreams are so we can help each other make them happen. If there’s one thing 2015 taught me it’s that it takes a village – for most any big deal dream.

Here’s my dream: in the next year I’m going to finish and publish my new book about healing and I’m going to begin a tour of retreats to help people engage in a deeper discussion about this. I’m going to ignite fires everywhere I go because that enthusiasm I mentioned earlier? It’s ready to be of good use.

I want to help you redefine healing and put those ideas into action in your own life. I want to help connect people – create those villages so we can all do what we came here for.

Big dream, I know.

And I’m so frickin excited about it that if you do happen to be in my presence when I’ve let my hair down and decide to unleash the beast of inspiration and enthusiasm inside of me…be ready. Be present. Breathe and allow yourself to feel what I have to offer. See if you can handle the big dream energy coming at you and let it light your fire.

Unleash the beastof enthusiasminside of you

If you’re reading this blog it means you are on my email list and honestly, you should get a special prize not only for keeping yourself on it, but for reading to the end. YOU GUYS are my village. You are how I will make this dream come alive. And I need your help.

Today I’m asking you to help me build my village so I have a shot at spreading my warrior love wider, at lighting more fires, and at having a bigger connection to the world when my books, programs and messages come out. For anyone who is a writer, author or otherwise also wanting support, email me and I will add myself to your list as well. I’d be honored and thrilled to support you and do this together.

Anyone who signs up for my Secrets to Warrior Healing email list from today until 12/31 will be entered to win one of three copies of my new journal Warrior Soul. Since you’re already on the list, the way you get entered is to share my website and a note about the contest on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #WarriorSoul and make sure I get wind of that share somehow. Or if you’re not on social media you can share this blog, just make sure I know you did it somehow – send a link to your blog, copy me on an email, etc…

For my supporters, my village, thank you so much. This just isn’t possible without people like you.

2016 – watch out for the tornado coming your way soon!

My email:

Listen to your body!-2Laura Probert, MPT is a holistic physical therapist, published author, poet, and black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She’s a Huffington Post blogger and contributes regularly to MindBodyGreen, The Wellness Universe, Wild Sister Magazine, and The Elephant Journal. She’s serious about integrating mind body and soul as a journey to passion and power. Find her at and

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