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7 Bad Habits That Are Slowing You Down As A Writer

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  • 7 Bad Habits That Are Slowing You Down As A Writer

Writing is a craft that demands a blend of creativity, skill, and discipline. It is a personal voyage towards expressing the inexpressible. Each word we pen down is a reflection of our thoughts, our emotions, and our perspective towards the world around us.

However, sometimes, we writers find ourselves caught in a web of habits that slow us down, making the journey less enjoyable and more of a chore. Identifying and shaking off these habits can significantly amp up your writing productivity and streamline your writing time management

But remember…

Getting good at writing isn’t just about cranking out a ton of words or beating deadlines. It’s more about building habits that let your creativity soar. It’s about balancing a solid plan with the freedom to create, and having discipline while also chasing inspiration.

This productivity ride for writers isn’t just about the nitty-gritty of writing, but also about diving deep into your creative spirit and letting your unique voice shine through.

Now let’s have a glimpse at common writing barriers

Spotting and Overcoming Habitual Roadblocks

Here are seven common bad habits that might be acting as roadblocks in your writing journey, along with effective writing strategies to overcome them:


Ah, the sweet lure of procrastination, where every excuse seems valid. But remember, every moment spent procrastinating is a moment lost in writing. Set specific writing goals, create a realistic schedule, and stick to it. Tools like writing prompts or a writing buddy can also help keep procrastination at bay.


The quest for the perfect sentence, the perfect word can be endless. It’s essential to understand that the first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. Allow yourself to write freely, and remember, editing is where you can chase perfection. You can consider hiring an editor for this process. Reading up on things you should know before hiring an editor might help you make an informed decision.


Juggling multiple tasks while writing can be a killer for your focus and the quality of your work. It’s better to zero in on one task at a time to maintain a high level of productivity and quality in your writing. Before you start, outline your ideas, do the necessary research, and have a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

Ignoring Your Health:

Your health is your wealth, even in writing. It’s the foundation that supports the energy and clarity you need to produce your best work. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly to keep your mind sharp and ready for writing.

Not Learning from Feedback:

Feedback is a mirror of your work. Embrace constructive criticism as a stepping stone to refine your skills. It might sting initially, but viewing it as a learning opportunity can be a game-changer. Engage with your readers, ask for feedback, and be open to adjustments. 

Not Investing in Learning:

The writing industry is always evolving. Not dedicating time to learning and growing can leave you outdated and impact your writing quality. Engage in courses, read books, and connect with other writers to keep learning and improving.

Avoiding Professional Help:

Sometimes, a fresh pair of professional eyes can provide invaluable insights. For instance, hiring a book coach can provide personalized insights and strategies to improve your writing. Check out this blog on why investing in a book coach can be a game-changer for your writing journey.

Wrapping Up

As we wrap up, it’s essential to remember that every writer’s journey is unique. The path of creativity is seldom straight but filled with twists, turns, and a few bumps along the way. While the habits discussed might have slowed you down at times, they’re not roadblocks but stepping stones on your path to becoming a better writer.

In this writing odyssey, every setback is a setup for a comeback, and every word you put on paper is a step closer to realizing your full potential as a writer. The beauty of writing lies in its ability to evolve, to grow with each stroke of the pen, and each click of the keyboard. Your brave words deserve to be shared with the world, to resonate with readers, and to leave a lasting impact.

As the famous author, Ernest Hemingway said, “We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” This quote reminds us that the journey of writing is endless, and there’s always room for improvement. 

So, keep your pen moving, keep learning, keep growing, and most importantly, keep writing!

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