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How to Become a Warrior Goddess

Yes, I said WARRIOR GODDESS! I love everything about what those two words imply. They speak of a combination of strength and femininity, power and calm, intelligence and wisdom, agility and groundedness and possibly the ability to ride a galloping horse while handling a bow and arrow, Hunger Games style. Add your own adjectives if you want, I can think of several more good ones. Yes, you can be brunette and still be a Goddess. In fact, you might want to ditch all prior notions of what a goddess is and just start fresh. How would your warrior goddess look? How would she feel? What would her life be about? Are you looking, feeling and being that now?

I am lucky to have several warrior goddesses in my life. One of the special ones that I know has been caring for her dying husband, tirelessly, day after day, making sure his transition is as peaceful as possible. I might have just changed the way you think about a warrior goddess.

Another one, broken hearted, tries to pick up the pieces and find herself among them, to allow herself to trust in love again.

I know a goddess that makes her life about helping others find healing and peace, and guides them to their inner warrior. She spends every hour of her day focused on this service. In her spare time she talks to God about how to do this.

Some of my goddess friends wake up every day in the middle of a battle for their own life, struggling to find a path that will ease their pain and allow them to shine. They deal and cope and fight in each of their moments, and they still find time to care about others.

Some don’t realize that they are already a warrior goddess, that their inner warrior is there, deep at their core, and that they only have to uncover her to discover her power. The easiest way to know this goddess is to tap into the feeling you get when love is driving your chariot (trying to stay with the warrior theme here). When love is driving, your mind and heart are feeling their way in life and things shine. Decisions feel right, the appropriate words flow, and actions come easily.

To live this way there is always one obstacle; fear. Fear might come in many forms and show itself in you in many ways. How do you look, feel and be when fear runs the show? Hmm, not pretty. Not goddess-like. Not warrior “ish.”

How do you become a warrior goddess? How do you uncover that power, and live like that every day? You feel and face your fear, recognize it without judgement, and then take action. YES! Warrior goddess 1, fear 0.

You notice it in your body, however it manifests and clear your mind of its’ silly, incessant chatter, and move your butt! (More action.) GOOD! Warrior goddess 2, fear 0.

You wake up every day and remember that you, the warrior goddess that you are, are enough, that you were born to serve a purpose on this planet and that it is your duty to uncover the gifts that are waiting inside of you to be given to the world. In fact, YOU, are gift enough. Smile and hold your bow and arrow (or sword, or iphone, or whatever) high above your head and announce to the world that you have arrived.

Okay, now take that smile and go finish the laundry. You now know the secret so you can think of how you are going to tell all your friends.

Game over fear.

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