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How We Made Warrior Love

So, the new book is almost ready.  I am squirming, I am so excited.  I vowed not to share the cover art ahead of time, so instead, I am sharing the story.  You know I love to write.  This is how Warrior Love came to be.

It was March 12th, a few short weeks after I returned from a transformational Myofascial Release class in Sedona, Arizona.  I came home from that class with poetry pouring out of me, and the inspiration to write another book solidified into action.  The seeds had been planted over the last many months, but the pure love energy that those seeds were bathed in at the class seemed to catapult the process and little shoots of light and words came up almost over night.

I messaged an artist friend who’s beautiful spiritual abstract pieces moved me ever since I saw her first one.  I got brave and asked if she would like to be a part of the new book.  Atousa’s quick “Yes” delighted me and fueled my knowing that this was meant to be.

Atousa and I had met a year or so ago at a women’s marketing group.  I was instantly attracted to her art and when the group fell apart, we remained friends.  Thanks Universe!  And thank you Kim for inviting me to that marketing group!

So, after returning from Sedona, one of the groups I belong to on Facebook (Thank you Christa and Wild and Wise Women!) held a live discussion event that I was excited to be included in.  Two hours into the four hour come-and-go-as-you-please event, I was immersed in the real and raw questions posed and the authenticity and vulnerability that was being shared in answering them.

There were many amazing women online that night, one of which offered dream interpretation.  Another woman specifically posed a dream question for her and as I read the words of her question and the details of her dream, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.  Jeanette had described, with weirdly vivid detail, the exact recurring dream I had had for years.  I couldn’t help but respond to her with overly excited enthusiasm, “That is my dream!”  When I looked up at the time again it was after 11:00 p.m.  Jeanette and I chatted and responded to each other’s posts, finishing each other’s sentences, and eventually became fast and furious Facebook friends.

I very quickly found out that Jeanette was an artist!  And it did not take long, after seeing her beautiful, whimsical art, to ask her if she would be involved in my new book too.  Jeanette’s quick “Yes” filled me with another shot of love.

Meanwhile, Atousa suggested we contact her artist friend Mary!  Oh my, another amazing artist!  Would she want to be a part of this growing project?  Another “Yes!”

Today, after just a few months in the brewing, Jeanette, Atousa, Mary and I have created a book together, combining their amazingly beautiful art with the poetry that wrote itself through me since Sedona.

Jeanette’s art and generous loving spirit stirred something in me.  Something in me wanted to try to make art, specifically the kind she was creating, which I now know as mixed media artwork, which can be a combination of drawing, painting and collaging, among other things.  When I begged her for the third time to create a piece to match one of the poems I was writing, she shared a post from an artist friend of hers who was offering an art class in exchange for a donation to her charity.   (It may have taken a couple nudges to get me to pay attention to that post.)  Awesome!  I love to give, and I love to receive, so off I went to donate, and start my new Rainbow Mermaid art class, the product of which would eventually become the cover for the new book!

I had no intentions of that outcome during the couple days it took to create her.  I was just delighted to create, to learn, and to make something I liked looking at.  Making art these past few weeks has been like the poetry, a feeling like a portal opened up and pure source energy flowed through, allowing itself to be expressed in the words and colors and pictures on the page.  What a gift.  Miracle really.

There was so little judgement from me and my own mind during this process that I surprised my usual perfectionist self.  A beginner’s mind took over, one that wondered more than criticized, was open and curious more than rigid and concerned.  Just like my writing, the art was mine, and because of that, already perfect, in fact more perfect because of it’s imperfections and blemishes.  More unique in it’s movement outside the lines.  This made me really, really happy.  And helped me with getting rid of any doubt I had about sharing my stuff.

I sat on the porch this past weekend with my good friend and fellow artist, author and healer, Phil, sharing my writing and thoughts about my mermaid art.  Basically he convinced me that I would be nuts not to use my art for the cover of my new book, that in fact the whole book was about that process of moving through fear and vulnerability to do the thing that shows the world who you really are.  That thing that expresses through your passion and love.

Well Phil, the kick ass little mermaid is now the cover of Warrior Love, and even though that scares the shit out of me, I am thrilled, and can’t wait to share her with the world.  Thank you for the “nudge.”  Have you met Jeanette?

Warrior love, A Journal To Inspire Your Fiercely Alive Whole Self, was made from unleashed essence, unconditional love energy and the serendipitous union of four amazing spirit warrior goddesses.  The fact that we were brought together fills me with excitement because the sense of knowing and validation I received from it empowered me in a way I have never felt before.  It strengthened a faith I have in my Universe, and the ability to manifest my dreams through this practice of awareness.  This is something I will forever be intensely grateful for, and hope to share with you.  Soon!


I was honored you asked and have been so happy and excited to be part of this. I love this book so much that I am going to keep some copies for me :) love you all :)


My heart is full as I read your blog. I’m so thrilled for you, Laura, and your entire team of love warriors! It is so wonderful, as your mom, to live in a time where women can be independent and share their creativity and strength in a safe and loving way — all in the name of helping others find their strengths and independence. Congratulations to each one of you for your accomplishments! Keep creating! Love, Mom

Thanks Mom. I love you!

[…] I am very grateful to be included, thrilled to contribute, and appreciate all of the hard work that went into the making of the book. […]

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