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Learning To Soar (Or Crash And Burn)

Full disclosure…I have been afraid to write.  Something shot my mojo and I have been working on getting it back.  I think that it is good to understand that on your way to learning how to soar, you will crash and burn.  It is just part of the package.  While I work on getting my mojo back (the last crash was a doozy), I have decided to work on some of the things I like best, one of which is writing, and the other is helping people learn about their bodies and how to help themselves integrate and heal.  As soon as I refocused on grounding myself in these things, I felt my light shining brighter.  As soon as I remembered to detach a little, things got softer, better, and more clear.

What is clearer to me now is that the crash and burn is a necessity.  While crashing, I am so caught up in the drama of it I tend to forget who I am and lose myself.  My feet leave the ground.  I check out.  The only reason I can tell you this is that I have begun to be aware of it.  You have heard me talk about awareness a few times.  It is all about the awareness.  In the middle of a crash and burn, all you have to do is make some space between yourself and what is happening.  Watch it like a movie.  Be interested, be curious, but don’t be so involved that you forget you have something boiling on the stove.  Stay grounded and connected and watch it with an open mind.  You will realize that you can then respond from a better place.  You can respond instead of react.  You can respond from love instead of fear.

Learning to soar includes responding to the stuff of life from a place that is at peace, not cluttered with crazy, chaotic, negative, obsessive or fearful thoughts.  When you are clear, you can soar.  It is nice up there.  Feels good, light, free and easy.  Just know you will crash.  It’s okay.  The biggest crashes have the most opportunity for learning.  The biggest mistakes make the most room for growth.

I am learning.  I am growing.  I am…

It seems my biggest opportunities have come when I was forced to drop all the things I identify with.  Forced by some act of the universe to reexamine, re-identify, detach, and get clearer.  Every time this happens I feel lost at first.  I feel the nothingness of it.  The space.  Fear.  And every time I come out shinier.  Sparkling sometimes in fact.  Every time.  Maybe this time I will remember that.  Maybe this time in the middle of my crash and burn, in the middle of my fear, I will remember that something bigger has my back.  And I will breathe and let go.  And soar.


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