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6 Signs You Are A Better Writer Than You Think

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  • 6 Signs You Are A Better Writer Than You Think

Ever find yourself questioning, “Am I actually a good writer?” or “How do I know if my writing is good?” We’ve all been there. Late nights, teary eyes, hitting refresh on that email for an editor’s feedback. The struggle is real.

If you’ve poured your heart into a piece, mailed it off, and nervously waited, you’re on the right track. Being a good writer isn’t just about getting every piece accepted; it’s about dedication, passion, and facing the vulnerability of putting your work out there.

After composing thirteen books, several hundred blogs, and collaborating on over 75 Amazon bestsellers with 1000+ authors, let me tell you, becoming a good writer takes time and effort. It’s like any skill; you need practice and patience, and the real essence lies in the journey.

If you’ve ever faced the fear of rejection or still stuck to your literary guns, take a breather. No one is judging. Remember, don’t let anything stop you from doing what you are. Now, let’s explore the signs that might just confirm you’re a better writer than you think.

What Makes a Good Writer

What does it mean to be a good writer? Is it when readers give you a five-star review, or when a literary agent likes your work? Maybe it’s winning a writing competition or getting a publishing deal. These are all awesome accomplishments, but being a good writer goes beyond that. Even without these wins, you can still be a great writer.

Let’s talk about six things that prove you’re really good at writing. You don’t have to be great at all six, but being good at a few is a sign that you’re a skilled writer. 

Here are six signs you’re good at writing:

You are passionate about reading

A sure sign of being a better writer is a deep appreciation for reading. If you find yourself lost in the magical worlds of Rowling or captivated by the poetic verses of Frost, congratulations! Your love for reading is the first step towards becoming a brilliant writer. Remember, J.K. Rowling didn’t create Hogwarts without wandering into countless literary realms first.

You have a good imagination

If your mind loves creating interesting stories, picturing exciting places, or inventing cool characters, that’s a sign you’re a good writer. A vibrant imagination lays the foundation for crafting engaging and captivating narratives. Like how authors like Roald Dahl brought fantastic worlds to life in books like “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” letting your imagination run wild, just like his, can make your writing more vibrant and enjoyable.

You have your own style

A great writer has a unique way of expressing themselves. If your writing has a special touch, and people can recognize it even without your name, you’re doing it right. Just like how Dr. Seuss has a distinct style in his playful and rhyming stories, your words can have a personal flair, too.

You’re open to learning

A good writer is inherently a lifelong learner. Whether you embrace constructive criticism, venture into new literary genres, or diligently hone your craft through continuous improvement, your commitment to learning reflects your dedication to evolving as a writer. Take inspiration from Ernest Hemingway, who once said, “We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”

You’re always asked to write things for other people

If friends, family, or colleagues frequently turn to you when they need something written – whether it’s a heartfelt letter, a persuasive email, or even just a catchy Instagram caption – it indicates that others recognize and appreciate your writing skills. Being the go-to person for written tasks is a sure sign that you have a knack for effective and engaging communication.

You love writing

This may sound straightforward, but people tend to excel at things they genuinely enjoy. If you often find yourself drawn to penning down your thoughts, stories, or even just a daily journal, there’s a good chance you’re a proficient writer. Writing becomes enjoyable when it’s a labor of love, and the act of putting words on paper or screen brings you fulfillment. As American novelist Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” If you feel compelled to share your stories or thoughts through writing, you’re likely more skilled at it than you might think.

So, do you consider yourself a good writer?

If you’ve followed along to explore the signs that make you a better writer, chances are you’re passionate about your craft. Why? Because committed writers take the time to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement. 

Remember, being a good writer goes beyond technicalities; it’s about embracing your unique style, imagination, and the joy of sharing your words. If you find fulfillment in crafting stories or if others frequently seek your writing expertise, you’re on the right track. 

Don’t overthink it – enjoy the journey, stay open to learning, and keep honing your skills. Whether you’re a pro at writing or just getting started, the beauty of writing lies in its continuous evolution. If you’re looking to connect with fellow writers, consider joining a vibrant writing community where you can share experiences, seek advice, and grow together. Happy writing!

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