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The Window


Waking without my alarm, I linger in the half-sleep, dreamy space. A poem comes. I reach to my nightstand for my notebook and let my soul speak itself onto my pages. It’s effortless, and I smile, completely happy and grateful that God speaks through me. Looking outside my bedroom window at the huge trees that protect our property I hear birds, and the horses telling me it’s time for breakfast. I move slowly, relaxed, light and good in my body. I’m free and happy with the heat left-over from my dreams in my skin.

Leo, Reina and Buck follow me to the kitchen and watch me make coffee and get their breakfast. I lean down to scratch behind them behind the ears and receive a smooch as I put their bowls on the floor. Taking my coffee into the sunroom, I stare at the spectacular view of the farm. The horses, towering trees, river and mountains backdrop my scene and I sit and breathe and think about my day. I’m un-rushed and inspired as the sun beams onto my face through the window, peeking over the mountain top.

Today I choose the purple and turquoise floor cushion and meditate for a few minutes, holding the stillness and my flowing intuition with me through the day. Huge crystal clear windows make up most of one wall, with big, comfortable couches and cushions in all sizes and colors, spread around lush plants and spiritual trinkets from my travels. I’m tingling with energy.

Hot water from my raindrop shower head falls all over my body. The smooth natural stone tiles feel good on the soles of my feet. I finish my long shower and rub the luxurious, organic Shea oil I bought yesterday at the farmer’s market onto my skin. With a deep inhale I breathe the scent of myself in and get dressed, donning my favorite jeans, soft, blue button up shirt and boots, and head out with the dogs to feed and greet the horses.

Yin and Yang are waiting at the fence, blowing and neighing and bouncing their heads at us, as we cross the flower-filled meadow to get to their large field. Yin is a Buckskin with black tail, mane and socks, and Yang is jet black, almost blue-black, with dark eyes and a black mane that would make Cleopatra jealous. Their coats are shiny and their muscular bodies demand a firm hand down their back. They curve in toward me while I treat them to this massage.

An hour easily goes by while I’m feeding, grooming, petting and talking to my big friends. The dogs play and hang out with us, running in and out of the field, sometimes asking the horses to touch noses with them. I can feel my body warm and glistening in the sun, as the “workout” with the horses continues. Occasionally we ride through the trails around our property, or along the river. In July and August the cool river calls the horses in for frolicking – my favorite days are spent on Yin’s bare back while she paws the water, making a fountain around me.

I return, good tired, to the house to my favorite, huge wooden writing table where I’m working on projects about life, healing, writing, and being fiercely alive. The work I do doesn’t feel like work. The writing is channeled and flows whenever I need it to. I have several requests in my inbox for workshops and speaking engagements, and I’m able to choose three or four this year, in exotic places, where I will go and connect with amazing, heart centered people, who fill me up and are filled up by me.

After a nutritious, tasty, homemade, organic lunch out on my picnic table under the trees, I hook up with a friend for a walk or a trail ride, or a conversation. I might have a book signing that afternoon in the little town book store where everyone knows me and wants to come hang and chat about life. Or I might be hosting a small group for tea or a healing/writing circle, or a book club. They love coming to the farm, and I love hosting. I feel energized, bright, and filled with enough love to give out to my friends and family. When we are together there is mutual inspiration and we part feeling warm, full and energized.

In the late afternoon I’ll spend an hour exercising with yoga, tae kwon do, or a walk, run, or ride. A couple times a week, I’ll do this in the little town fitness center, where the instructors are loving, gentle and aware. It’s a place I can express myself while I workout. Sometimes I teach there. My classes are always packed and I feel everyone connecting with themselves in a healthy way – I facilitate this connection with my words, presence, and teaching.

The kids are happy and healthy and they come to visit us often. We share laughter and love around our huge farmhouse dining table, taking turns telling our stories about the lives each of us leads, and the dreams we each have. We prepare healthy, delicious meals together, and conversations are fun, easy, and always spark inspired ideas about how to heal the world.

My evenings are spent cuddling with my husband and my dogs. We might watch a show or sit in our huge living room in front of the floor to ceiling stone fireplace, a roaring fire enticing the dogs to the carpet. Gorgeous candles adorn the mantle and christmas lights sparkle around the room, even in July. We sometimes sit on the furry rug in front of the fire with a glass of wine and watch the flames, or talk, or kiss, or make love. I feel good in my skin, uninhibited with him, free to be naked, or wrapped in a fleece throw. Sex is fun and exciting and feels easy. We lay there unhurried, content, sometimes falling asleep for a while before we end up in bed.

Some evenings I sit on the porch swing and listen to night sounds, gazing at the moon and the stars and I’m inspired to write another poem. They come frequently enough to have filled several books of them now and they sit quietly on the shelf near my desk, as well as the shelves at Barnes and Noble. 

The consistent abundance that flows into my life from my passion for writing and connecting allows me to give generously to the causes I am passionate about. I have a fund to save horses and dogs, and give enough to take care of many people. This project is self sustaining, the momentum coming from pure love, kindness and service. The kids love being involved in my philanthropic projects and have created their own from my inspiration.

I fall asleep next to my husband in our king sized wooden bed donning a heavy floral quilt and a smile, and ask the universe how I can continue to serve, in happiness and overflow. Sleep is easy and deep – the mattress and linen feel soft on my skin and support every part of my body. I’m warm and comfortable in my bed and turn to spoon with my husband for a few minutes before drifting off into a deep, healing sleep. I drift off with gratitude in my heart, and thoughts of how I will spread love into the world tomorrow.

Laura Probert, MPT is a firm and practicing believer in the art of manifesting dreams. She is the owner of Bodyworks Physical Therapy and Soul Camp, LLC. Take her hand and she will give you a new perspective of healing.

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