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What Do You Mean by Being Aligned?

When I'm aligned, birds show up.
When I’m aligned, birds show up.
Been seeing a lot of posts that tell me to get aligned. They encourage me that being in alignment with my higher self is the way to go. I sat and wondered if most of my less woo woo friends would understand what this means and decided to give a crack at explaining how I see it.
Over the years, the more still I get, the more I learn how to listen to my body, observe my thoughts and understand the messages that I am getting, the more I feel aligned with a source of energy that flows through me and tends to work to create kick-ass shit in my life.
Source has a ton of labels. God, Higher Power, the Mystery, the Universe, Flow, Source and, I don’t know…what do you call it? And a better question, are you aligned with it? And why should you be?
My why is when I connect with that energy magic happens. Connection is sort of a combination of awareness and surrender. I pay close attention to my environment, both internal and external, by observing with all my senses, and then I surrender to what is, attempting not to label anything as good or bad. This took me a shit ton of years to master but it was worth every minute.
I think this is what it means to be aligned with source.
I’ve noticed that when I connect with and am nicely aligned with this energy, crazy, awesome stuff happens. In fact I would call my life over the last couple years, one crazy, awesome moment after another. I have manifested things – yes, stuff I want shows up. And I have met people – really amazing, kick-ass people that I consider good friends now. My body is getting more able, not less, and resources show up right when I need them.
The best thing that has happened as a result of being aligned with this energy is now I know when I am and when I am not, and it is much easier to adjust my attitude, response and action to lean in toward alignment. In other words, I am much more clear about how I do life. It is easier. It flows. Making decisions is not that hard when I can feel the answers in my body.
So being aligned means things get easy.
And please, surrender to ease, will you? We aren’t on the planet to work as hard as we can until we retire or die. We are on the planet to experience our moments with the most amount of passion and enthusiasm we can muster. We are here to use up these bodies of ours and push our limits. We are here to get over our fears and realize that we can go for illegal amounts of happiness. We are here to experience bliss.
Being aligned makes you brave.
When you realize that the flow serves your best and highest purpose you tend not to care about making mistakes or failure anymore. It’s cool. It’s fun. It beats being paralyzed all the time. When you get used to the feelings in your body and consider them a compass pointing you in a direction, then you can stop being triggered by the feelings. Instead you can get excited when you feel them. You pay attention to what they are pointing to.
So if you want to be aligned with this energy, practice listening. Get still more often. Breathe more often. Stop doing and just be for a few minutes. Listen to the voices in your head and the ache in your body. Pay attention to those nudges to do or say, or not do or say something. Act on your intuition more often. Take those chances and see where it leads. Ask questions about it to people you trust.
Find a tribe of like-minded people who are getting aligned on a regular basis and hang with them a lot more often!
In this world of left-brain thinkers, in a society that values working ourselves to the bone, and doesn’t understand or believe in the magic, the warriors have to be strong and unite. The people you gather with to share your dreams, talk about your experiences and brainstorm your purpose and mission with are super important. Find them.
Get aligned with this kind of energy and watch your world manifest the fairies, unicorns and rainbows you’ve known all along do exist. I know, I know, why did I have to start in about unicorns? Because I am fed up with old, boring, painstaking conversations that focus on complaining, bad-mouthing, violence, hate and whining. I’m in this for the magic, so I have to align with that kind of stuff.
I love my fairyland. And as long as I’m awake and aware in my life, I get a choice where to focus my energy, effort and enthusiasm. I choose to notice all the miracles.


Laura Probert, MPT is currently transforming her business to focus on Warrior Healing. Find out more about this on her website:, soon to be

In the comments, ask your questions about alignment. When do you feel most aligned with source energy?

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