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Living Out Loud in a World That Wants to Shut You Up

Illumination, by Atousa Raissyan
Illumination, by Atousa Raissyan

I’m living my life out loud. Transparency is something that others call brave and I just call “Me.” Being an open book feels like the right thing to do, not because I’m trying to do any right thing, but because I’m following a pull from deep inside that says, “Be yourself, be out loud…this is the way you will heal the world.”

What’s in the way of YOU living out loud?

There’s a powerful pull in that voice that reveals your purpose, that without-a-doubt-knowing that helps drive us forward when we wake up in the morning. It has to be powerful or else it would be quickly obliterated by the million ways this world tries to shut it up.

First we must discipline our own minds. Fear, doubt and shame corrode my brain when I’m inspired and moving forward with my dream manifestations. Recognizing that voice and shutting it down before it paralyzes you is key. I know the difference between my fear voice and my intuition. Knowing the difference is a game changer. Do you know the difference between your fear voice and your intuitive voice? Each has a different feel inside of us.

The outside world is another challenge. It’s good to begin to recognize people who like to explain the right way with “you should” and “you’re supposed to” and don’t have any qualms about going over the rules. When you practice awareness, it gets easier to speak up your truth without taking anyone’s opinions personally, but I admit, this is a ball-breaker some days.

My little girl is easily shushed, cowering if she’s told she’s bad. She shrivels into a little ball of nothing and suffocates in her shame when she thinks she’s done something wrong. Damn, I hate that feeling. I decided to practice a kind of fierce awareness around it that requires I feel those feelings often, but then do something new about them when they come.

Can you feel what happens when the world imposes its rules on you? When someones says what you are doing or saying is wrong or bad?

When you live in a world that is constantly trying to tell you to shut up, be quiet, and stuff your opinions, emotions, ideas and feelings, there’s only so long before you become a silent volcano. I’m living out loud to avoid spewing hot lava on my friends. I’m letting off steam in small bursts of blog to make sure I don’t blow. It’s important to be ourselves and feel free to express our truth.

The idea of telling the story of my healing journey inspired me to begin to find my voice, and live out loud, both in my personal relationships and my writing. When we let the world into our little world, we connect with others on the same path. Fear, shame and doubt still create their little war in my head but they seldom win the battle anymore. I wrote my first book and broke the dam around my heart.

How can you be a warrior for your own truth and joy?

Living out loud in a world that wants to shut us up requires learning and practicing a certain set of skills. Here’s what’s allowed me to become a warrior for love, joy and happiness, no matter what the outside world throws at me. I hope it will help you to do the same:

10 Ways to be a Warrior for Your Own Happiness

1. Be clear about what you want and what matters. This makes overcoming fear easier.

2. Overcome fear. Take action despite the feeling inside.

3. Be intensely crazy, aware, and courageous. It may take time to develop these skills, but it’s worth the effort.

4. Remind yourself of what you want and what matters daily. Practice having an indomitable spirit around your purpose and mission. This creates a steady flow of warrior ability.

5. Constantly question old beliefs and observe your own behavior. Watch life like a movie. Make a discipline out of awareness.

6. Adjust your reactions and responses in the moment, and flow with what is, not what you think it is. When we are aware, we know what is real in this moment and what is just in our mind.

7. Listen to your intuition. Learn the difference between the intuition voice and the fear voice. I gave my fear voice a name. That way I could call her out when she was trying to wreak havoc.

8. Be willing to change, adjust methods, or respond differently when something does not vibrate with your intuition or greater purpose.

9. Make a decision about who and how you want to be in the world. Clarity is key. Confusion and fear are the compass that will let you know if something is getting in the way of making decisions.

10. And all it takes to have everything on this list is an open, loving, curious attitude about life, the magic it holds, and your desires and dreams for the future. Being positive and on-purpose creates a magic that you can rely on every day.

When you begin to live out loud you will attract others who are doing it too; you’ll gain momentum. Your life will be a bright light that illuminates your passion and desire. This gives others permission to do the same thing. When you live out loud for yourself you automatically help others do it, and begin to collaborate in a contagious energy that fuels itself.

For me, there is no other choice. Living this way is my purpose. When I don’t follow the rules of my own soul, it tells me by making it very difficult to go back to my old ways of being. It’s painful. That’s how I know. Which means I also know when I’m living inside my purpose because the free, spacious, light, illuminated feeling of love permeates whatever I’m doing in that moment.

What the world really wants and needs is for us to be brave; to live out loud in passion and desire so they can be brave too; so they have someone to go to battle with; so they know their dreams and desires matter.

The next time you feel shushed, shamed, squashed, quieted, smothered, or someone outright tells you to shut up, remember your mission. It won’t serve any purpose to let fear make you small. Be brave. Speak up. Use love as your weapon and be that. Follow the pull from deep within that says, “Be yourself, be out loud…this is the way you will heal the world.”

IMG_4826Laura is a warrior healing alchemist, published author and expert for people who are fed up with pain and fear. Her game-changing blogs, and integrative classes redefine healing and show you how to create the radiant health and joy it takes to inspire you to share your gifts with the world. Her brave writing has been featured in,,, and BlackBelt Magazine. Find her books, Living, Healing and Taekwondo, Warrior Love and Warrior Joy, a Journal to Inspire Your Fiercely Alive Whole Self, on When she’s not teaching others to overcome fear and pain and inspiring them with the truth and how’s of healing, you’ll find her petting her dogs or a horse, practicing her axe-kick, taste testing cheese or dark chocolate, or creating her next book.

Connect with your inner warrior and start your healing journey at


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