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Your Sacred Erotic Self and Another Million Good Things

I haven’t blogged on my own site for a while! I’ve been involved in an amazing blogging class by Jon Morrow, called Freedom Machine, and he has us on Medium to do a blogging experiment of sorts. We’ve been sorting out our writing niche there, and writing and publishing with the assigment of keeping track of who’s clapping (the new like), following and commenting. It’s been fun.

If you click on the link HERE, you’ll find my page and all the articles I’ve written while doing the course. If you take the two minutes to register (FREE) then you can support me, and your other favortie writers with claps, follows and comments! 

One byproduct of the experiement ended up being the creation of a new Medium publication called Sacred Erotic Self; a Creative Playground for Sexuality and Healing that I co-founded with my new business partner, Gila Nehemia. Gila is a talented writer, healer and awareness coach.

The idea for Sacred Erotic Self was born in our attempt to have a home for our own writing, that we were finding was becoming a healing process for us and for others. When we write, and share our stories, we feel healing in the telling and sharing, as much as others find it in the reading.

In our healing circles, we’re hearing story after story of trauma; physical, mental, sexual, emotional, all of it…and because we know that healing trauma involves integrating the mind, body and soul, we wanted to help others with a place they could do that; to start reclaiming their power, worth and confidence. We wanted a place where other women could be brave, share their stories, and realize the healing power in it. We wanted a safe, creative playground to explore our own sexualtiy and creativity and to invite others to play with us there. 

So right now Sacred Erotic Self is accepting submissions. Feel free to submit blogs, poetry, art, photography or other forms of creative expression. You’ll find that page HERE. Think about what you’d tell someone who’s trying to connect with their inner wisdom, healer and sacred, erotic self. Tell us a story about your healing. Show us what the sacred erotic self means to you! Give us a spark of hope that we can  heal and connect with that part of us too!

Okay, so for the other million good things!
I’m now offering Intuitive Writing Strategy sessions for health and wellness entrepreneurs who help their clients transform their lives with holistic alternatives, and want to write brave, intuitive, soulful copy to attract ideal clients to their sacred offerings. Who want to heal themselves and the world with their words. 

These sessions will help you with things like blogs, books, bios, about pages, sales pages, or any other writing you’re struggling to find the words to express the authentic you in. I’ll help you brainstorm ideas for your writing, how to breathe life into old words that don’t feel like you anymore, or ways to reach a larger audience with your words. I’ll help you publish your blogs on bigger sites by giving you the tools, confidence and courage to do it! 

When you’re done with a session with me you’ll feel an inspiration to take action on your writing dreams, you’ll have the know-how to do it, and you’ll have the support to make sure you stay accountable! 

My book, which is based on the Writing as a Path to Healing workshop I teach at The Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Maryland, will be published in 2018. Stay tuned for a BIG FAT ANNOUNCEMENT about that SOON! I’ll be teaching two workshops at The Writer’s Center in early 2018: Writing the Thing You’re Afraid to Write, and Writing as a Path to Healing – so check their schedule for days/times!)

The Writer’s Center will host a FANTASTIC FREE talk on January 13th called Writing Your Way Through 2018! Don’t miss what promises to be an inspiraitonal taste of yours truly and the Intuitive Writing magic, as well as Annie Mahon’s work, Things I Did When I Was Hangry. We’ll be on hand for Q&A and book signing after our talk!

Want to do an Intuitive Writing Workshop with me in the New Year? I have four options (live and online) that you’ll find HERE. And if you’re around Bethesda for New Year’s Day – come to The New Year’s Poetry Writing Mini Retreat! It doesn’t matter if you’ve never written a poem – this will be a day of inspiraiton, creation and a little magic to start your year off write! (See what I did there?)

If you’re waiting to live the life you crave, write words that heal yourself and the world, and share your healing stories with a larger audience, I hear you. Work with me in 2018 and I’ll grab your hand and drag you on this journey with me, keep you brave and inspire you to be accountable to your desires and dreams. Stay tuned for more dates to listen to my talk about Intuitive Writing and learn the secrets of making your writing and your life come alive! 


With Warrior Love,




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