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What Happens When I’m Inspired to Write

Today my tire went flat. There was a nail in it. I spent four (yes four) hours at Mr. Tire today. I drove out on four (yes four) brand new Goodyear EAGLES. And here was the message that moved through me while I was there:

“We wouldn’t be inspired to do something if it wasn’t intended to be.”

My friend Jim Phillips, the author of The Key to Life, Living in Full Expression, said this to me one day during a life’s purpose discussion. I believe it. It can’t be a lie. The Universe wouldn’t play us like that.

We get the inspiration and we have a choice to do whatever we want with it. It’s like someone giving you all the ingredients for a chocolate cake. It’s up to you to mix and bake, or not.

“But this is more complicated,” you say. Not really. It’s simple if you think it’s simple. You get an idea. You get filled up with excitement about it. More ideas come. Then you make connections that seem to be “too perfect.” What is that?

It’s your green light.

Then we doubt it and think we’ve gone color blind. Maybe green really is red. Maybe I’m seeing things. Maybe it’s not true or real.

Oh that silly voice. Hear her trying to sabotage you?

Why would we have the inspiration in the first place if we weren’t meant to make it happen? Actually the Universe probably doesn’t care what the outcome ends up being. But we care. And that energy is a living, breathing thing. It’s kept alive by us breathing into it, not ignoring it. We can keep it alive or let it die.

What fills you up more, keeping your dreams alive, or letting them die?

Be inspired.
Get excited.
Shout it out.
Do it. Be it. Say it. Create it.

They’ll come for your enthusiasm – it’s contagious. They’ll come for the love. They’ll come because feeling alive feels better than feeling numb. We all want to feel alive. We all want a reason to come alive and dance and sing and play and shout.

It’s our very nature.

So build it.

Don’t worry about success. Don’t worry about failure. Build it because you believe. Because it’s who you are. Because it’s all you.

Create it and share it. When it’s all you it will attract…you’ll see…the people will gather, they will want it, they’ll need it…it will fulfill a need, a desire, a hole…and it will heal.

Because you are brave enough to create it and share it you’ll help people create and share their own gifts. And the world will get sprinkled with fairy dust.

“Oh why did you have to go and use those words,” you ask? Because people don’t get this.

It’s the pure, unique expression of YOU (which is love) that IS the energy of magic and the secret to happiness.

We think we’re supposed to achieve. We think we’re supposed to work harder. We think we’re supposed to run ourselves into the ground so others will deem us worthy. 

We don’t get that it’s a lie, a myth, an illusion. Someone set us up for failure. Someone led us to believe the way to happiness is by being unhappy.

Think about that.

Are you laughing? Or crying?

It’s what we love. More than anything. That’s what we’re supposed to do. When we find what we love, everything becomes easy, simple, light and free.

“Easy?” you wonder. “I thought if it was easy that meant it wasn’t worth my time, wasn’t the answer, was too good to be true.”

What if you were taught wrong?

What if?

If you are inspired to do it – be it – say it – create it…if you love it so much that you lose track of time…you were meant to do it, say it, be it, create it.



You may be thinking “I found it too late. I surely can’t change it all now.” Why not? Who made the rules? What would happen if you broke them? What would happen if your wildest dreams came true?

What do you have to lose?

What’s worst case scenario here?

Go ahead and weigh all the options. Still inspired? Can’t get the excitement out of your head? Well, you must have been born to do it.

The Universe doesn’t play us like that. She’s on our side, working 24/7 for the love. Always spinning things in our direction, in our favor. She’s cool like that.

What about that horrible thing that happened right in the middle of the dream?


Momma Universe picked you up like a recently mobile toddler and pointed you in another direction. To keep you on track.

What if that’s what all “bad” things were? Just a re-direct. It would make you think twice about it. About complaining. About the “why me’s.” About the meaning you’re giving everything that happens.

It might even make you grateful. Even when it looks like shit. Think of that!

After all this…are you still wondering what you’re meant to do, to be, to say, to teach, to build, to create?

What do you love?

What are you good at?

What do other’s think you are good at?

Have you asked them?

What get’s you up in the morning without an alarm clock, besides the smell of good coffee? What is on the calendar that you can’t wait for?


What if every day could feel like that? How would that look?

What? You’ve never imagined it?

Well heck girl, start imagining it. Give yourself permission to have a mission, to be inspired, to understand that you are the vessel through which divine inspiration was meant to move.


You were meant for that.

The Universe has been waiting for you to wake up. To tune in. To open up. To hear her messages. Need to clean a few cobwebs first? Clear out the space for the messages to come through? Of course you do. We all do. Feng Shui the heck out of yourself…your junk drawer, your attic, your purse, and your soul.

Heal your shit.

Remember who you are. Don’t let anyone lead you to believe differently. Not anymore. Not one more time.

Think you have something to offer the world? Of course you do! Inspired to share it? Then you were meant to!

What are you waiting for? Your fear is boring. You are not three anymore. Take your power back. What are you waiting for?

Do it. Be it. Say it. Create it. Don’t let anyone stop you. Let yourself be re-directed. 
Be coachable.
Stay awake.
Sprinkle your magic fairy dust all over the land.
Love, dance, sing, shout, play.
Be so wildly contagious with enthusiasm that they can’t help but catch it.
Let yourself burn with desire and let that energy move you.
Breathe it. Eat it. Drink it. Be it.
Show us who you are.
Make us believe it matters.

Inspire us to grab your hand. Remind us we aren’t alone.

You were meant for this. You are love. YOU are the fairy dust. YOU are the magic wand. YOU have the power.

All of it. (you see what I did there with that rainbow?)

So…now what?

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